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Thai micro crab (pic)


TPF Noob!
Dec 28, 2012
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I recently bought a couple of Thai micro crabs (Limnopilos naiyanetri) to photograph and add to my aquarium. These critters were really tiny and my aquarium is chock full of wood and plants. I knew that once I added the crabs I would be lucky to ever see them again; so I took the time to take photos first.

This is one of a series I posted on my blog (Portrait of a Thai micro crab | macrocritters).

Olympus OM-D E-M5, Zuiko 35mm macro, manual exposure (F11-22 @ 1/200 sec), Olympus RF-11 ring flash (1/4 power), ISO: 200
P8030207 thai micro crab copyright ernie cooper by ernie.cooper, on Flickr
I also tried shooting a little video. I didn’t have very much light and had to shoot with the lens wide open, so the depth of field is really shallow. Only later did I realize that I should have increased the ISO so that I could have used a smaller aperture (and gained depth of field) (smacks head). Oh well, next time...

macrocritters | What's a nice bug like you doing in a place like this??

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Nice shot! Those eyes...
I love it`s eye`s , it`s like you fire that flash at me again!!!!


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