TAMRON SP 150-600mm F5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 CANON (Model A022)


TPF Noob!
Jan 24, 2016
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Novice here. Apologies for the dumb questions, but how does this lens compare to other 150-600m options? Looking for something that can be had used in the $600-$700 range that can take detailed close-up pictures of birds, sometimes in flight.
Is this the lense to get or can better be had for similar price?

How does the speed of Canon variant lense compare when taking pictures of birds in flight?
How does the G2 compare to the A011?
This is for a Canon RF10, so I'm assuming the EF to RF mount is needed.
Not sure if they make 150-600mm F5-6.3 options that don't require the EF to RF mount?

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