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taking a picture of 2 people


TPF Noob!
May 3, 2008
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for some reason i have a problem with this...for example when two people come together to take a picture side by side its always that space in between the two of them...where the heads meet...what would be the proper way to focus a picture like that...i usually select the center focus point and i stand directly in front of the 2 subjects...but my camera always focus on the back ground because of the space thats in between the two people...would a manual focus do better?sorry if it sounds confusing...i will try to find a picture as a example
manual focus and a smaller aperture will get it in focus better.

but you know what im talking about though right...that small space thats there.
Please, others, correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you just focus on one of the two subjects, (holding down your shutter button half way), then recompose and take the shot (assuming you have a small enough aperture to get all subjects in focus)?
You could provided the plane of focus and the faces of the individuals are the same (and with smaller apertures, you've got more room to work with).

I have to say, though, that anything that requires manual focus on an XTi can be a complete pain in the arse. The viewfinder is pretty much crap on that model.
Please, others, correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you just focus on one of the two subjects, (holding down your shutter button half way), then recompose and take the shot (assuming you have a small enough aperture to get all subjects in focus)?

she has a point there!
Just switch to an off-center focus point that happens to be on one of the faces you want to photograph.
Yeah, fiddle with the camera, a big no. Focus on the nearest mug, lock focus, stop down the lens, recompose and shoot, theres no point focusing between two subjects as obviously they will be oof. H
Please, others, correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you just focus on one of the two subjects, (holding down your shutter button half way), then recompose and take the shot (assuming you have a small enough aperture to get all subjects in focus)?

ive tried that before, it works ok...sometimes the picture will still be out of focus just a little...but i was just wondering if it was another way to do it
ive tried that before, it works ok...sometimes the picture will still be out of focus just a little...but i was just wondering if it was another way to do it
If you are shooting wide open, it's possible that you are shifting forward or back while recomposing, moving your subject out of the area of sharp focus.
If you are shooting wide open, try stopping down a little (f/4 or 5.6, something like that).

There are only 3 ways to do what you want.

1 - Manual focus
2 - Focus then recompose
3 - Use a focus point that doesn't require you to recompose
If you are shooting wide open, it's possible that you are shifting forward or back while recomposing, moving your subject out of the area of sharp focus.
If you are shooting wide open, try stopping down a little (f/4 or 5.6, something like that).

There are only 3 ways to do what you want.

1 - Manual focus
2 - Focus then recompose
3 - Use a focus point that doesn't require you to recompose
thx...lets say im taking a picture of 3 people but they are in different spots...like spread out...is it possible to get all 3 people in focus...
Increase DOF, (use a smaller aperture), F8-F11-F16, depending on your distance to subject and distance between nearest and furthest away. H

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