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Takeing pictures at Spoting events


TPF Noob!
May 11, 2006
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I still havent gotten good, iam using a d70 with a AF Nikkon 70-300 1:4 -5.6G
i try using a large apature at all times and a fast shutter speed, i change my iso according to condtions to make up for a quick shutter speed, one problem i come across is focus, i useing the af-c setting with Single area(racing or movemnts i know that are going to happand) and dynamic mode for soccer, and more active sports, i still cant seem it focus good, any help, iam planning on going to a local football game over the weekend and test out some of the tips you guys give. Any other active picture tips would also help.

I have that very same lens… It is well suited for general purpose shooting, but its auto-focus function leaves much to be desired. Focusing is slow and tends to hunt, not good at all for sports photography. I wound up purchasing a Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 VR out of frustration with the 70-300.

If the purchase of better glass is out of the question, I would suggest stopping down the aperture to f/8 or f/11 to increase the depth of field. This will not make the lens focus any faster, but it should help with overall sharpness. Of course, you’ll have to adjust the camera ISO accordingly to make up for the reduced light the smaller aperture has created.

Hope this helps…
/\/\ thanks, they say is going to be sunny, so i dont think i have to worry too much about not enoough light

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