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Sunset Moonrise Lighthouse Sailboat

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  • #16
Great set - No 2 is strong, but it's a pity about those out of focus plants.
Thanks. Glad you pointed that out about the plants - I’ll have to play around with it to see if removing them makes it a better comp. I plan to print this one.
Beautiful photos! The first two are my favorites.
Thank you Rob.
Thanks. Glad you pointed that out about the plants - I’ll have to play around with it to see if removing them makes it a better comp. I plan to print this one.

Thank you Rob.
I think it would be worthwhile trying that. I think it was those plants that were what influenced me to gravitate to #1. I really like the triangle that the lighthouse, sailboat, and moon create, drawing the viewer from the lighthouse to the moon and on to the horizon.
I saw your set on Flickr and really all were great shots. I can not pick a favorite. Will one of these make it into the store front gallery? I think you submit a few every year. If I am remembering correctly
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  • #20
I think it would be worthwhile trying that. I think it was those plants that were what influenced me to gravitate to #1. I really like the triangle that the lighthouse, sailboat, and moon create, drawing the viewer from the lighthouse to the moon and on to the horizon.

Thanks! I have been trying to think of triangles when composing after watching an interesting tutorial by Mark K on composition.
Really a beautiful set. The sky colors are awesome!
thank you! It was amazing to see how the color just lingered for at least an hour after sunset. If there had been a mountain peak it would be Alpenglow!
I saw your set on Flickr and really all were great shots. I can not pick a favorite. Will one of these make it into the store front gallery? I think you submit a few every year. If I am remembering correctly
Thanks Cheryl. I decided not to do the storefront art walk this year. It's a lot of stress and expense for me to do it and the rewards have been few the past couple of times. I wanted to do it to put my work out there and I did but now it may be an every 2-3 years thing for me. If I have stuff printed for other reasons and can risk them getting damaged then I'll participate but if I don't have anything ready (which is this year's issue) then it becomes a big expense.

And frankly, I've made more sales from posting my photos on Instagram and Facebook without having to do anything other than share them digitally. The wife of the captain of the large schooner contacted me after I shared that photo in the Free Reference Photos for Artists FB group. Her husband was sailing the boat that night and he shared my photo with the owners of the schooner and they have reached out about using it for marketing. Also the woman who owns the sailboat in the other photo (who saw the shot when I posted it in a New England Lighthouses group), contacted me to get a print along with several others.

I have been resisting setting up a website because I don't want my relaxing hobby to turn into "work" but it may be time to have an easy site to refer people to that does all of the printing and mailing and $ for me and just sends me my share of the sale... I know I can make more if I do all that myself but I really don't want to be bothered with all that. Maybe when I retire in a few years!
Thanks! I have been trying to think of triangles when composing after watching an interesting tutorial by Mark K on composition.
Well, you certainly succeeded with that second one for sure. @weepete got me to being more conscious of lines and triangles in compositons, so I spend more time looking for them.
The second shot has the three elements but, in my eye,
it's not as strong as the others compositionally speaking.
Maybe so, but the linear arrangement of moon, boat, and lighthouse strongly draws my eye from right to left.
Great set - No 2 is strong, but it's a pity about those out of focus plants.
I noticed that, too. Not hard to clone out. I'd probably take out that little lighted buoy or whatever it is, also.

These are really wonderful shots, with great sky color. Keepers for sure.
And frankly, I've made more sales from posting my photos on Instagram and Facebook without having to do anything other than share them digitally. The wife of the captain of the large schooner contacted me after I shared that photo in the Free Reference Photos for Artists FB group. Her husband was sailing the boat that night and he shared my photo with the owners of the schooner and they have reached out about using it for marketing. Also the woman who owns the sailboat in the other photo (who saw the shot when I posted it in a New England Lighthouses group), contacted me to get a print along with several others.
Wow! Glad they saw your photo in the Artists group. Maybe your photos will hang on board the boats? Cool about the marketing too.
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  • #25
Wow! Glad they saw your photo in the Artists group. Maybe your photos will hang on board the boats? Cool about the marketing too.
I love sharing my photos on that reference photo group. all the people are so genuinely appreciative and nice. But my favorite thing is when they create a painting using one of my photos and then tag me and share it in the group or message me a photo od their work. I love to see their creative take on the scene and some of the people in that group are so mega talented… Also makes me happy to know that someone liked the photo enough to put in the effort to paint it.
A very lovely set. #2 is stunning. Excellent composition. Someone commented about this and doesn't really fully understand it. I love the Pearl essence of the whites and pastel color. The way you keep the viewer in the frame is splendid. That lens suites you well as does the 16-80. I could see these two being your primary duo, if they're not already. You a very talented. I could care less about the plants being in there, it's all part of the scene as far as I'm concerned.
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