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Sunset last night


TPF Noob!
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
ok guys! my cam isnt very good! its a fujifilm e510, i have no lense! nothing! it was also to late/dark by the time i got my cam.

but here it is anyways

wow- the colours are amazing.

I was amazed at what I could get out of my little compact Konica with sunsets!
You played around lots with this photo afterwards to bring out bold colours such as these, didn't you? Not bad - and I quite like how your sig reflects those very colours. But they cannot have been this bold in reality, can they?
your correct! i did bring out the colors abit! not much tho! the sky litterly look like it was burning! i brightened the picture more then i edited the colors! iv never see the sky like it was in my entire life! if i had the stock image still id post it to show the difference! it wasnt much

yeh i was just playing around with some new fonts i dled

anyways thx for the comments

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