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summertime is bikini sunset time.


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2011
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Just a beach shoot where I was hoping for an awesome sunset.

[/URL] CBurns0391 by EricJimenezPhoto, on Flickr[/IMG]
She's got a kinda Katie Holmes-like thing goin' on.
I feel like the lighting really ruins this shot. To me it's flat, which in my opinion is never flattering to any subject. Flat light gets rid of shadows, and as I say very often, interesting light cannot be crafted or captured without the presence of interesting shadows. A lack of shadow due to flat light is also cause for losing depth and detail in a photograph, which are both very important. To me the lighting is the most important aspect of any photo; no light means no photo. Bad light means bad photo in any situation, while good light means good photo granted the photographer also has the technical skills to take a properly exposed photo. I feel like the exposure and focus, as well as the white balance on this shot are all great, but the lighting doesn't do either the model or the sunset any justice. Considering that the lighting is the most important, this shot just doesn't hold any quality to me.
Don't care for the pose or the expression...
It nearly works.. maybe putting her directly in front of the sun would have helped, along with getting the horizon level and using off-camera rather than direct flash.
I like the subject/ambient exposure balance but not crazy about the light, which I'm assuming came from an bare hot-shoe mounted flash, based on the harsh shadow of one leg cast upon the other.

I think the same photo taken with the speedlight in a softbox off-camera would have a much more pleasing look.
Every one is entitled to their point of view and if they have a good bikini sunset photo that they have shot I would love to see it.
Don't care for the pose or the expression...

This was my first reaction as well. In all honesty I think if she was removed from the picture, the sunset over the water would have been a much better photograph​
Don't care for the pose or the expression...
This was my first reaction as well. In all honesty I think if she was removed from the picture, the sunset over the water would have been a much better photograph​

Will this one cater to your liking or should I just post a photo of just the beach?
I know what Wayne and Garth would say!!!!!!!
What beach....

Great googly moogly, what an incredible picture, I recind all previous statements.

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