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Strobe vs Flash

taco vs. taco

well strobe was originally a brand of studio flash.
oh. Now I feel stupid.

Thanks :)
A strobe is typically a xenon tube that will flash repeatedly. A Flash is a one shot source of light that happens to use a strobe assembly
When I read "strobe", I think of Alien bees, etc.

When I read "flash", I think of that little toy that shouldn't be on top of the camera :lmao:

Cheers, Don
To me a strobe is a studio monolight,

A speedlight is a shoe mounted flash unit that can be used off the camera also,

and a flash is the pop-up unit built into a camera.
Thanks all.

I do mostly animals and landscape stuff, and wanting to try to get into more controlled photos (portraits, still life, that sort of thing). I understand much of it, light tent, short/broad/rembrant lighting, etc. but the off camera flash/strobe/monolight stuff confuses the heck outa me.
In most cases the terms are interchangeable....but I tend to call a 'studio style' light a strobe and a 'hot shoe' light a flash.

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