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Star Trails - C&C


TPF Noob!
Jul 13, 2009
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I have been experimenting with star trails over summer and have been slowly improving my images. I started out stacking longer exposures (10min) at a lower ISO but prefer the results I have been getting with higher ISO and much shorter exposures.

Any advice for improving this technique is appreciated - Thanks!

For this image I used .........

Canon XSi w/ Tokina 11-16mm
60 - 30 second exposures (stacked)
@f2/8 - ISO 1600


err. .sorry for the C&C on the tittle, just realized this was posted in the wrong area.
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Well considering that "This is the forum for more advanced discussion of photography, such as exposure methods, lighting, HDR, and other techniques and controls!" This is not the CC forum and I would suggest you place your post in the proper area. ;)

Thanks for your understanding.
Well considering that "This is the forum for more advanced discussion of photography, such as exposure methods, lighting, HDR, and other techniques and controls!" This is not the CC forum and I would suggest you place your post in the proper area. ;)

Thanks for your understanding.

Hey there buddy ... can you read from WAY up there on your soap box?

Trying pulling you head our of your ass and provide a way for me to MOVE the post or REMOVE the C&C title from the subject.

Thanks for understanding... Jerk.
Yikes! :blush2:

BTW I love the star trails you got... nice work.

Wait a minute, I just noticed you're in Utah as well... interesting...
Great picture. I need to put this on my to do list.

Also, I'm sure a mod wouldn't mind moving this thread into the correct sub-forum.
I would've aimed a bit higher up to get more sky and less tent, but that's just me.
man there's been alot of A holes on the forum lately

I actually like the stacked photo shorter exposure idea.

most of these kind of photos all look the same but i love how the trail from the stars is broken up

Nice photo. I can see zooming out is not much of an option given the extreme angle but I would say that the central point of the trails and the tent are to close to the corners of the frame for "comfortable" viewing.

Oh and post in the general gallery next time ;)

man there's been alot of A holes on the forum lately

:lmao: That made my day simply because of the massive difference in post count and joining date between you and Jerry.
man there's been alot of A holes on the forum lately

:lmao: That made my day simply because of the massive difference in post count and joining date between you and Jerry.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he wasn't referring to what Jerry said...
Damn! Now that you mention it .... :lmao:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he wasn't referring to what Jerry said...

The C&C should not be there. I wrote the up the post, left the computer.. came back, and for some reason added that line to the subject before I submitted it... Stupid I know.
I think edited the post and admitted to my mistake... then Jerry feels the need to reply with a useless post rather the take just a few seconds to HELP maybe I could of got the C&C removed.

The image I posted is just and example of the method I have been using I really just wanted to hear more ways to do star trails.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he wasn't referring to what Jerry said...

The C&C should not be there. I wrote the up the post, left the computer.. came back, and for some reason added that line to the subject before I submitted it... Stupid I know.
I think edited the post and admitted to my mistake... then Jerry feels the need to reply with a useless post rather the take just a few seconds to HELP maybe I could of got the C&C removed.

The image I posted is just and example of the method I have been using I really just wanted to hear more ways to do star trails.

Dude, you overreacted to his statement. He (who happens to have almost 6000 posts, and a join date of 2 years ago) just made a quick, helpful comment to a new user (you, with under 20 posts and a join date of last month) who posted in the wrong forum to remember to post in the correct forum next time. You got defensive, told him he should (and I quote) "...try pulling your head out of your ass..." and called him a jerk. If people are just going to post whatever in whatever forum, we may as well consolidate all the forums into one forum. But we know that simply won't work.

Whether your post said C&C or not is irrelevant as this topic doesn't really belong in this forum. You really should consider being a bit nicer to the people who have been here for a while and who actually have a good reputation (like JerryPH). Calling one of these people names is a great way to kill your reputation right off.
You really should consider being a bit nicer to the people who have been here for a while and who actually have a good reputation (like JerryPH). Calling one of these people names is a great way to kill your reputation right off.

I have already asked how to get the post moved ... yet no response. You would think that someone with 5000+ post would read the post and offer the help if only to fuel their own "good reputation".
Long story short.. I saw the problem and didn't need a "respected member" to point it out. Rather then preventing if from happening again how did his comment help? I have admitted my mistake three times now..... so back to my FIRST question, how does it get moved?
You really should consider being a bit nicer to the people who have been here for a while and who actually have a good reputation (like JerryPH). Calling one of these people names is a great way to kill your reputation right off.

I have already asked how to get the post moved ... yet no response. You would think that someone with 5000+ post would read the post and offer the help if only to fuel their own "good reputation".
Long story short.. I saw the problem and didn't need a "respected member" to point it out. Rather then preventing if from happening again how did his comment help? I have admitted my mistake three times now..... so back to my FIRST question, how does it get moved?

haha man your a joke jerry helped me numerous times and no matter what your reason/explanation is you made your self look like an ass.

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