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Stairway to Heaven


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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shot with a lensbaby, against the sun. I deliberatly over exposed to get the blown out top portion to resemble the heavens. :scratch:
cracking shot chiller, great LB technique.....:thumbup:

..... and they do look exactly like the stairs i have to walk down to get to work :lol:
Archangel said:
cracking shot chiller, great LB technique.....:thumbup:

..... and they do look exactly like the stairs i have to walk down to get to work :lol:

Thanks man... tell ya... I would not want to do these stairs after a few pops. :lol: They lead from the lower level of a cemetery to the top of a hill. Guess they bury the bad ones down there, so it takes longer to get up. :lol:
Sheesh, assuming I'm gonna get there some day, I never figured I'd have to walk up. Chiller, you're a darksider, aren't you supposed to stay away from the light? Definitely don't be walking towards it anytime soon.

(cool shot)
Antarctican said:
Sheesh, assuming I'm gonna get there some day, I never figured I'd have to walk up. Chiller, you're a darksider, aren't you supposed to stay away from the light? Definitely don't be walking towards it anytime soon.

(cool shot)

Thanks Anti. If you knew how much it hurt to shoot this. :lol: Kept feelin a burning sensation on the back of my neck...right beside that tatoo, that I can not see. :lol:
just a great shot... i have been up and down those steps..a thousand times...!! chiller, you got to watch it...the burning on your neck is the beginning...please becareful...

we dont wanna lose you..

come upon you and see a pile of ashes...*shivers*
great shot with the LB chiller... love it... :thumbup:
Way to go, Cannuck!

Angelbaby ... it ever occur to you that you can flap those pretty little wings of yours to get around? Pitiful that I have to remind an Angel that he can fly!

Chiller, that wasn't the sun bothering you ... that was the breath of the Dark Side reminding you of your roots ...
Very cool shot!
The combination of the LB and the overexposure worked great together :thumbup:
great shot chiller, i would love to see an out of focus figure about 2/3rds of the way up, would just have finished it for me.
Boon said:
great shot chiller, i would love to see an out of focus figure about 2/3rds of the way up, would just have finished it for me.

Thanks everyone.
Rockin idea Boon. Now ya makin me have to go back:lol:
anicole said:
Way to go, Cannuck!
Chiller, that wasn't the sun bothering you ... that was the breath of the Dark Side reminding you of your roots ...

Hmm...same thing happens when I go near a church. :er:
I always imagined it would be an escalator. :lol: Love what you have done with the LB and exposure, very creative :thumbup:

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