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St. Brides Church Tower


TPF Noob!
Dec 29, 2005
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London, England.
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This chruch tower is supposedly what the traditional 3-tiered wedding cake is based on. The church itself is covered in scaffolding but here are two evening shots of the tower.



C & C Welcome.


Beautiful architecture.
I would probably up the brightness on just the building on both of them - not much, but just a tiny bit. I love the clouds in the second one. Very pretty
wow very dramatic! love the rays and the bw tones in the first one :)

tfs :D
Thanks Mansi and WNK. And WNK, you're right, I wll amend the brightness :)
yea you could try lightening the forgrounds, see what it looks like..... but i love the light in 1 :thumbup:
The sky in the fisrt shot in just so dramatic.
First class :thumbup:
The drama of your first photo here is almost unbeatable.
While I usually am a saturation freak (I fear I really am), I have begun to really like your desaturation technique that you use for many of your recent pics! The hint of colour on the roofs right in front of the tower is ... enchanting.
Thanks for noticing LaFoto :) We go through phases don't we? Before this it was all saturation and vividness!

Thanks for the comments :mrgreen:


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