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TPF Noob!
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
North East UK
Once again hoping this fits in here....been very busy of late and not really had too much time for things, so looking over a few shots I had taken after first getting my camera, this being one of them. I must get back to reshoot this when we have similiar conditions, as I have inadvertantly deleted the raw and tiff :grumpy:. I do have a B/W of this somewhere but can't find it at the mo.


Cool shot - looks like you're about to get wet!! Like the bird - nice touch!

Wow, that's a very dramatic sky. Love the desolate look of the place, with the lone bird circling. Nice shot.
Those clouds are absolutely AWESOME! Great contrast too. I would still love to see the B&W version (I'm a sucker for B&W ;))
Killer shot. I hope you framed this one.
yea great shot ken, this place looks very intimidating, i like the dodge effect around the window.... and the sky looks good.... great work :thumbup:
draw hit the floor just love it think the grain is perfect
Thanks guys, I did do a bit of processing on this one, with some dodging and burning on the sky and the building. I processed the foreground and sky seperately also, something I never bother doing normally.
By the way.....the bird is real and not added, although being honest I don't recall seeing it at the time but I think it helps make the shot in this colour version but, I think it gets a little lost in the B/W.
I did get round to printing this a3 before the files vanished but must go back and shoot it again, a little more camera wise now so maybe I could do a better job.
Here's the B/W.


Thanks again for your comments.

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