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TPF Noob!
Jul 2, 2008
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Guelph Ontario
Can others edit my Photos
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Here is a pic I took tonight just thought I would get some c&c on it.


Three things strike me: the top-to-bottom light-to-dark gradient [good], the overall composition [good] and the rather mysterious material in the foreground [?].

To be honest, I'm not sure if the foreground should be a tad lighter to make the plants more evident, or made even darker to make them less so. I would not advocate cropping the bottom off, though. The h/w ratio 'works' with the subject [headland] and its placement. It helps to make this a picture rather than a 'record' snap-shot.
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I like the black to white gradient also and you got some very nice detail in the large rocks. This shot has a great lonely feel to it.
I think this is one pic that needs to be seen larger. And, though the gradient works. I was also wondering how it would look if the plants were a bit lighter. Sometimes one can get many good images from just one shot.
Thanks for the comments. There is actually no plant in the corner its jsut rocks and a stick. here is a bigger one hopefully it helps.


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