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So what motivated you to want to learn photography ,or become better ?


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2013
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United States
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I have THREE motivations/reasons that got me into photography.

#1) I refuse to pay someone else for something I can/want do myself even if it means having to invest in it & learning it. One of those things is taking my kids portraits.

Right now I'm only concentrating on trying to make up for all those good photos I never got when my kids were little ;-( because I couldn't afford a decent camera or to hire a "real" photographer. Sears/olan mills sucked big time and if they were not blurry I was upset with the constant limb/head/feet chops. I even worked at Sear Portrait studio when my oldest was 2 just to try to learn a few things. I did learn a lot about composure,but it seemed a lot of the other peopel who worked there after I left only cared about a paycheck, or were always brand new to it. I literally cried over so many bad pictures from the sears place,but kept going back to them because I had no idea there were people who you could actually hire "on location" instead. Actually i did try one person, and thought they were good. unti lI looked at them a year later (after learning photography) then I saw how blurry they all were. Every single one. And that every single one was shot at f1.4 . She changed half of them to black and white without asking me if i even liked bl&wh (I don't0,and the color ones were really washed out (later realized she turned down the saturation) . Didn't matter she had a D800 , I can take better pictures of my own kids with my D600/D7100 and I'm not even in the business of doing photography like this person was.

The only other professional photographers I knew about were extremely expensive (owned their own studios) Im talking $400 for a 16x20 print. I still can't afford that,sorry ! I would rather invest in a 2K camera and some prime lenses and do it myself and order through mpix.com or smugmug . I'm not being cheap. I really can't afford to buy several really huge prints for 4 kids ,several times a year. I would be stuck unhappy with what I got for what I can afford,if I continued to pay others do it for me . But by the time I knew about all the more affordable (but good) independant photographers in my area, I was already getting into it myself (learning,not a business though) and started taking my own pictures.

Which I'm happy to report I'm more pleased with the ones I've taken,than any of the ones I ever paid for ! I have some big prints on my wall of the kids that I cherish and love ,the kind I ALWAYS wished I could have !

And since I have no decent pictures of my kids as newborns and that motivates me to want to be a maternity/birth/newborn photographer one day. And maybe give a discount or do free for families who cant afford nice decent pictures . So I guess you can say its all those bad expereinces getting crappy photos and wanting something better and feeling like I could do better myself.

#2) I make realistic dolls . To showcase my work online and sell them successfully, I have to be able to represent how they look in real life ,to the best of my abilities. It involved learning different aspects of photography ,even though I may have had a point &shoot i still had to learn about composure and other things. But I knew i needed a DSLR after using my moms camera and wanting to get my own eventually. Photography has helped me show others my skill level with my painting so they will choose to buy my art,over some one else's . Wanting to sell my dolls and get what they are truly worth $wise (for my skill level in making them,the painting,etc..) has motivated me the most to improve my photography. And my mom (who was a photographer hobbyist before me) who was always criticizing every picture I shared with her. She just wanted to help, lol.

#3) Always had a camera , snapping pictures from about age 5. They were always point&shoots but I always loved taking pictures, to preserve moment in time and now its more than just that. Now I want to get into macro,hdr, and of course one day when my kids are older , newborn/birth photography.

And those are the things that "pushed" me into finally getting a dlsr and want to learn this.
My sons and I rode and raced motocross together. I wanted nice photos of them. It blossomed from there. Pretty much got hooked on all aspects of photography after a while and haven't looked back.
It was something I was good at, I wanted to get better at it and I found it easy. I was also not great in school, a little too lazy, and I could make money as a photographer. Now I look back after so many years and wish I had of been more motivated in school, learned more, and had something else I could do well enough to make money at. I'd also be retired like most of my friends instead of having to work my ass off even harder just to make a living with my camera..

No regrets though.
I got a job in a photo lab in college and I always respected photography as a skill and art form. That Christmas my mom got me a Canon Rebel G and it was all downhill from there.
I've always liked photography, took a class in HS and loved it. But, couldn't afford to in college. I restarted with a point and shoot in 2003. Progressed to a DSLR in 2006. Now, I feel like I am totally free when I can get out to take shots. I went to Tokyo a couple of weeks ago for a 4 day photography trip. After shooting the same city for 5 years, I felt like I was flying, incredible adrenaline rush.
I found myself playing a video game for two winters straight (SOCOM Confrontation). Literally from the time I would wake up 06:00 until 02:00 the next morning. I would make my wife breakfast before work then once she left I would sit on the couch until a half hour before she got home. I would then scramble around the house to make dinner, straighten up, and shower. Then once she went to bed I would go back to playing untill I got tired. This was all during times when I was laid off for the winter, I'm a bricklayer. Anyway, after two winters of this I finally had a moment of reflection and realized that I was doing nothing to better myself and so I decided to drop the PS3 remote and bought a camera and so began my new addiction.

Long story short, my motivation is self improvement and a desire to not waste my life in front of a video game.
I can't paint worth a damn...

Funny, I was actually going to say something very similar. I've always enjoyed art and wanted to create it, but I can barely draw stick figures and the only "painting" I can do ends up as an abstract, regardless of what I intended it to be. And so I picked up a camera.

I think this is also why I'm still so fascinated with film - it's much more tactile and it helps to satisfy the urge I have to make something with my hands and not just a mouse and computer monitor.
When I had a digital p&s camera, I started shooting a lot. It is amazing I can shoot over a hundred photos per day. When I was in art school, one photography teacher got me inspired. That was the time that I didn't know what is dslr and why the lenses are so big!
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I can't paint worth a damn...

This actually really WAS my initial motivation, many years ago.
My mother was/is an artist. Very gifted painter in particular.
My sister and my oldest brother were exceptionally gifted at drawing.
I had the desire to create, but my drawings were nowhere near as good as my siblings and my painting skills were non-existent because I didn't really have the patience for it.

Then I discovered my grandfather's old Brownie camera, and I discovered that I *did* have a creative eye. Woohoo! Art for the impatient and non-artistic among us!! I was delighted--I think as much as anything, I liked that it was "my" thing. I didn't have to compete with any of the rest of my ridiculously talented family and so it was even more attractive to me.

But kids and work got in the way, and the cameras turned to point-and-shoots for many, many years.

My motivation in picking it back up, about three years ago now, was that the kids are grown and gone from home and I was looking for things *I* enjoy. A cruise and a trip to Charleston with a point-and-shoot reignited my desire to really DO photography, rather than just pointing and clicking at things, so I saved up, bought a DSLR and the rest is history in the making!
Working overseas, I was bored on my days off. Bought a camera and started walking around...
For me it was the fact that I was traveling all over the world for work and taking tons of ugly point and shoot pictures that could have been so much better had I used basic principles of photography. I just wanted them to be better pictures so I got a decent camera and started learning. It just snowballed from there. I kick myself every time I think about the places I've been and the pictures I could have taken had I been taking it serious back then.
Looking through a Henri Cartier Bresson book about 30 years ago

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