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Sleeping Puppy

Pinus strobus

TPF Noob!
Dec 8, 2007
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My brother just got a new puppy, and I got to do a some puppysitting for him. I took some pictures and would like to blow one up and frame it for him for christmas. I am still new to photography, so any hints, tips, or comments are greatly appreciated.




I know there is alot of noise in this last one. The lighting was pretty low and its hard to keep a puppy still, so I cranked up the ISO a bit to get a faster shutter speed.
What a cute puppy!

For a framed photo, my fave would be the first one. The last one has a reddish orange fringe around the carpet in the upper right hand corner. I just personally prefer the position you got him/her(?) in on the first one. Nice shots!
I'd deffinitly go with the first one.
The lighting, DOF and dark background make #2 the winner IMO.

Why not do a collage of more than one photo? I love them all, but #1 and #2 are just completely precious.
I think the 2nd one is the best since it has a better darker background, whereas on the first one you can see a bottle of some sort of cleaner. :P
But try using the dodge tool to brighten up its face just a little bit.
Thanks for all of your comments. I am still not sure which one I like the best. I like the collage idea, I just might do that.
i also like the last one. the first two are cute, but the dog should have some life. and there's something about his pose and his face that are almost warning you to stay away from his food bowl...
It's #2 hands down for me. I love backlighting like that. It's warm and cozy and oozing cuteness ;)
Number 3 is my winner.......
Thanks for all of the comments. I have come to a decision. I am going to frame #3 for my brother, he wants to train her to be a good hunting dog. I am also going to frame #2 for my sister-inlaw, she wants a cute little dog to put a pink collar on and ribbons in her hair.
Cute puppy;)
I would go for the pic nr.2:thumbup:

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