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Several Maternity Shots for C&C


TPF Noob!
Oct 10, 2010
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I took these last night, Nikon D300, 50mm F1.8. I already realize the first mistake I made was shooting wide open at F1.8 but I was having a bit of trouble getting the background to disappear. I also realize this is alot of photos but several are the same shots just in B&W. It is amazing how hard it was to take these shots without showing any stretch marks or other markings she did not want shown. Any help with what you feel I did right or wrong would be great. (these were not paid shots)





5. Not really a fan of this one but she liked it, the color is soft. I will probably play with the temperature later.

Having delivered thousands of babies in my days as an ob doc -- I predict you will be heading to L&D soon.
Looking at them on my iPad they are much more underexposed than they show on my pc.
I agree with bs0604 and I've never had a child or delivered one!

I like that the photos do not show her face and it's all about the baby/belly.

On #5 -- maybe clone out the marks from her bra if you leave it in color.
It is amazing how hard it was to take these shots without showing any stretch marks or other markings she did not want shown.

Those could be corrected in Photoshop? Unless you don't have access to PS that is.

Also, I agree with the feedback that the pictures are under-exposed. They all look pretty dark to me on my monitor.
I took some of them up between 1 full stop and 1.5. Please let me know your thoughts. I actually think I like the one where she is laying down better under exposed.






I really like #1 (the original version). I don't know how much of this effect is SOOC versus post processing (exposure and/or white balance and/or toning, etc), but I like the ageless feel to the tone. I like how the shadows image right blend into the background. I think I would crop this more square, so that the diagonal "line" from her shoulder to her knees is closer to the diagonal of the frame.

I agree that the black and whites needed the increased exposure. I like the second versions better than the first for those.

One thing to consider is how you're using her undergarments. In my opinion, the black panties work very well in the first shot because they are off in one corner when they blend into the background. Her kneeling position creates continuity between her upper body and her legs. In the others the black undergarments are so close to blending into the background that they cut her body into sections.(legs, then belly, then shoulders/arms with voids in between). Had these undergarments been white they would have created a continuity for her body without drawing attention away from the belly (and white, particularly in conservative styles like this, is appropriate, as you know from using the white sheer in the draped shot).

By the way, I don't know why you're apologizing for shooting wide open. It's a matter of preference, but I don't see that this type of shot needs to have everything tack sharp...and from the perspective of the mom-to-be, who is likely overly critical of every change and perceived flaw in her body right now, some softness is a good thing. IMO a narrow depth of focus works just fine.
Having delivered thousands of babies in my days as an ob doc -- I predict you will be heading to L&D soon.

really? are you an ob?
I really like these! I agree that the no face shots were an interesting idea....all about the belly! I really like the whimisical one of her with what I presume is a curtain? Looking at these photos makes me want to be pregnant again. lol
I think the dramatic lighting adds to the character of the photo in the first two shots. the others seem underexposed. clone out the bra strap marks and maybe a very little bit of skin smoothing.
In second upload u corrected the lighting to some extent....they are nice pix of a mother-to-be....I agree for few points of the members reg black undergarment...the bra strip....Good u used at full aperture, after seeing photographs, I think do u feel any regretting? Not so...next time u may be more alert...tfs.
They seem kind of uninspired. Looks like you tried to be a bit clever with the curtain one, which is good, but overall... they're just kind of dull. Crops are a little odd for me, too... and no picture with mom's head... dunno. I'm never big on maternity shots anyway, but these left me feeling more flat than usual.

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