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Senior shoot


TPF Noob!
Jan 22, 2013
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For an upcoming senior shoot I will be shooting a close friend of mine. He plays the trumpet and would love pics of him playing it. What can I do for that? As far as posing goes. I'm kind of stuck.
I've played the trumpet...and there is really only one pose that you can be in while playing it. ;)

Don't over think it.
Yup, have fun, I'd try to get some images from both a concert auditorium (better with music stand and sheet music and also a contrasting environment such as a dirty street.
Maybe try moving yourself around and see if you can get some interesting angles. First thing that popped into my mind was to get him with the trumpet aimed towards you but slightly turned so the bell end of it is in the foreground (but then I don't do studio shots or portraits with super open wide apertures so what I envision may not work for you); maybe the trumpet aimed upwards with your vantage point being a little lower, etc.

Maybe look at photos of famous past jazz musicians, that might give you some ideas.
Im always blowing my own trumpet :D, have him stand on his head blowing his trumpet
Have him play like he is at a concert. Then you should shoot from every angle. On the ground, from up above, eye level, get just the fingers, have the trumpet laying in the case sideways....by his feet.... in an alley, have him hang from a tree, put him in a canoe with the trumpet on his knees! (how cool would that be in a pond) Get creative, think outside the box, use his personality, play some music during the shoot to kick it up a bit! Have fun!!!! Or send him to me and I will shoot it! :)
I went to Pinterest and made you a quick inspiration board to give you some ideas. Also, tell him to bring some sheet music to incorporate into the shoot.
Trumpet Shoot
Honestly, I'm thinking something kind of contrasty...mono's. 1920's jazz with perhaps a bit of selective colour for the brass in the trumpet itself. Just a thought. Play with light. Do you have a shoe mount flash?
Honestly, I'm thinking something kind of contrasty...mono's. 1920's jazz with perhaps a bit of selective colour for the brass in the trumpet itself. Just a thought. Play with light. Do you have a shoe mount flash?

No way selective colour is the pits,shoot it on Tri X
Thanks for all the feedback everyone! It looks like I'll be shooting from a ton of different angles and in an alleyway:)
Thanks for the board on Pinterest too!

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