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Selling my 18-200 for new lenses. what to buy.


TPF Noob!
Mar 6, 2012
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Hi all.

Im thinking of selling my Nikkor 18-200 VR1 and buying new lenses from the money I get.

I want to buy a lense for normal photography. Street, nature, party's. I've been thinking of the Nikkor 55mm, the onw thats like €150

And a fisheye. A rokinon perhaps? (€180)

IF i have any money left. I will buy a battery grip and a handle of it.

Any advice anyone? Im 16 and i do not have a €1000 budget haha. Just the money i get from the lense :(

Kind regards!
I am not sure how much you are expecting to get from selling the 18-200. However, you have to think about why it does not meet your needs... What do you need to do that the 18-200 cannot achieve? What lens would achieve this result? Once you figure out what it is that you need, you will have answered your own question. Used 18-200's go for in the $500's if it is in immaculate condition, US model, etc. If there are signs of wear you can expect to drop into the $400's. That doesn't give you much of a budget to work with if your goal is multiple lenses.
I believe 18-200 is a wonderful zoom. Ken Rockwell thinks the same. What is it that makes you want something else?
I believe 18-200 is a wonderful zoom. Ken Rockwell thinks the same. What is it that makes you want something else?

Read everything that Ken Rockwell has to offer- thoroughly soak it all in. Then do the exact opposite of everything he recommends.
I believe 18-200 is a wonderful zoom. Ken Rockwell thinks the same. What is it that makes you want something else?

Read everything that Ken Rockwell has to offer- thoroughly soak it all in. Then do the exact opposite of everything he recommends.

Yea i guess he must be drunk while writing stuff ;)
Josh220, and StandingBear1983; both of you seem to dissagree with KR, so may I ask why? When I read, he seems to make sense, but is he totally off base?
Josh220, and StandingBear1983; both of you seem to dissagree with KR, so may I ask why? When I read, he seems to make sense, but is he totally off base?

Use him for information on gear mainly, I'm not saying he's wrong all the time, but take he's opinions with a pinch of salt, that's all. for example he likes shooting JPG instead of RAW...:er:
I have the 18-200mm and its a good lens for what it is, a super zoom. There is no reason to replace it for another 'kit' type lens (18-105mm, 55-200mm, 55-300mm... etc).

However, it cant compete with good quality fast lenses... something like a f/1.8 prime or f/2.8 zoom.

I would take a look at the Sigma 17-55mm f/2.8. It would be a great choice for street/party/landscape shots. Then later you could pair it up with a good quality 70-200mm f/2.8 and you'll never miss your 18-200mm! (unless you travel a lot.. which is why i still own mine :) )

Keep in mind that in my area the Nikon 18-200mm has a VERY LOW resale value... about 1/2 of full price :grumpy: .

PS. Ken Rockwell's site is nothing more then a gimmick for him to make money. According to him every new thing is the best, and you should click his links to purchase it (he gets money for all the click-through's). He shoots in JPG.. and he tells you to shoot at lower resolution then your cameras max. But make sure you buy your Lieca M9 (OMG BEST CAMERA EVER) from his links. :er:
I believe 18-200 is a wonderful zoom. Ken Rockwell thinks the same. What is it that makes you want something else?

I believe in that review KR also stated that the 18-200 negates the need for any other lenses within that focal range.

Yeah... Okay, Ken. If you say so. :er:
It's actually not "that bad" of a zoom lens.
it really isnt bad. i was very happy with it. although the 24-70 f2.8 and 70-200 f2.8 zooms stomp all over it, thats to be expected for the best zooms made. i still would rather hve the 18-200mm over the 18-55 and 55-200s lenses seperate, and its nice to have both lens combined into one.

the only problem is see, is if you as thinking your going to get an improvement buying 2 lower end DX zoom lenses for the price you sell the 18-200 for, i dont think you will see any improvments. your going to need a nice f2.8 zoom or prime to see a decent improvement over the 18-200

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