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SD card question for my new D90


TPF Noob!
Dec 9, 2011
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Long Island, New York
Can others edit my Photos
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I bought the suggested card for the D90 from Adorama, a SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-1 16 GB card. After charging the battery, and installing it, did the basic date, time settings, it was time to install the SD card, which is a no brainer. The available picture count read 1 in the box and a K next to it. Which I'm assuming means 1,000+ available pictures. I always format a new card, and after each use, so I did the format, and it still reads 1K. Is this correct?

I haven't changed any camera default settings other then to RAW at this point.

Thanks for the help.
Sorry for the above post/question. Of course the answer was just a few pages further in the manual. I have more then 1,000 available pictures with this card. It's more then twice what the cards in my D70S could hold.

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