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Saturday morning finds....


TPF Supporters
Feb 25, 2008
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Geneva, Florida
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Had a pretty good morning out at Merritt Island...

Reddish Egret

Bald Eagle

Roseate Spoonbill

Black Skimmer

Some sort of Sand Piper shore bird (?)
Oh.. I am going to go hide my photos! And my camera!

These are gorgeous, Eric! That Egret.. WOW! That is one of my favorite Eagle shots.. I love it! Your sandpiper...lovely detail

(Makes me miss Florida so much... )
Good day for sure. The light looked really,really lovely.
Beutiful shots. If I may ask, what lens?
Absolutely awesome! Especially the eagle, never saw one from that angle.

Thanks for sharing!
Amazing! I hope to someday get shots that good!
Love that egret shot!

If you don't mind sharing that sort of stuff - what settings did you use for that photo?
(If you prefer not to share, though, no problem)
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WOW! My dad has been a birder all his life and I have been dragged along for the ride most of mine. I know how close you can get to theses guys and getting shots like theses don't just 'happen'.
I bow down in awe! :hail:
The last one looks like a great yellowlegs, but its hard to tell the size from the picture.
Love that egret shot!

If you don't mind sharing that sort of stuff - what settings did you use for that photo?
(If you prefer not to share, though, no problem)

No problem sharing settings, I should post them anyway....

For this shot I switched from Manual to Aperture priority
ISO 400
1/1250 shutter speed
exposure bias value -.33 ev
hand held
Much appreciated!

Love that egret shot!

If you don't mind sharing that sort of stuff - what settings did you use for that photo?
(If you prefer not to share, though, no problem)

No problem sharing settings, I should post them anyway....

For this shot I switched from Manual to Aperture priority
ISO 400
1/1250 shutter speed
exposure bias value -.33 ev
hand held

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