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Sandscape sunset - need critique


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Sep 20, 2015
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Trying to figure out what is missing in this pic.

Is it the lack of contrast between sand and sky?

Any tips on post processing that can help improve the look on the pic?

This was a 3 shot HDR created in LR.


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I would say there is too much detail visible in the land. There is very little light around at sunset (apart from the sky near the sun) and the ground is usually close to a silhouette.
Dodge and burn baby burn.

Nice shot.
And fix the horizon. Its off tilter.
Fix the horizon; crop the bottom third; add a bit of saturation to the sky; add some contrast and lessen the red/magenta cast in the sand.
View attachment 132284

Trying to figure out what is missing in this pic.

Is it the lack of contrast between sand and sky?

Any tips on post processing that can help improve the look on the pic?

This was a 3 shot HDR created in LR.


Sent from my iPhone using ThePhotoForum.com mobile app
It really depends on what you want to be the subject. The patterns in the sand or the sunset. If you want the sunset, I would crop and straighten it so that the horizon is at the bottom 1/3rd of the picture. Then I would darken and blur the sand and pop up the vibrance and a touch of saturation on the sunset. This will draw the eye to the sunset and away from the sand. Or, if you want the sand to be your subject, crop so the horizon is in the upper 1/3rd, darken the sunset, then brighten and sharpen the sand. I like it both ways. (jmho)
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Thanks all for your inputs. Gave me clear insights into what slipped my mind when taking the pic. The whole place was so vast N pretty, was totally lost when taking pic.

Whipped up something on the phone based on inputs , will try it on LR later.


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