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SailorVille Lake/Des Moines Iowa


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 7, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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I just got back from a trip to Des Moines Iowa. I did some shooting of course and found this.
I Honestly did not do too much to this image. I was going for a natural HDR because of the image itself. Not trying to overcook like I do for a lot of my HDRs :)
This is my first image of mother nature. If you don't like, then I understand.

Wow, really nice image.
I too don't really like overcooked HDR images either, and the actual HDR processing you used is fantastic.
Composition is also excellent.

I would stuggest increasing the exposure a bit as the darkness somewhat takes away from the sunset/image. A nice happy medium between the mood and brightness, etc.
Maybe something with a bit more exposure like this:


Again, just a suggestion as I think you've captured a beautiful image. :thumbup::mrgreen:
Nice JRE. I prefer your version. Kind of dark and moody that says "go away". In keeping with the "restricted area" on the building.
Good job I like the setting. I also like the look of the OP, however something in between the edit and the original might work well.

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