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Rose (The Reshoot Reshoot)

Trenton Romulox

TPF Noob!
Mar 10, 2007
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This is the second reshoot.

It still looks kind of soft to me. Is it just compression? Maybe you need a different kind of light other than a flashlight. I'm not sure what the answer would be. What was your ISO?
It still looks kind of soft to me. Is it just compression? Maybe you need a different kind of light other than a flashlight. I'm not sure what the answer would be. What was your ISO?

ISO 100. f/22. It is sharper on my .NEF file, if that answers the compression question.
Still more improvement over the previous version. I do like this one even better. Is it possible that the light passing through the petals is softening the look?
This one's way too soft.
isnt F/22 a little TOO small of an aperture? you're probably getting diffraction from the blades...
Looks more like camera shake to me, f/22 shouldn't be THIS soft.

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