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Redo of the daughter in the tree pics. C&C if you want. :)

Yes they're a lil soft. I'm her mom so i love them.

Do you have a suggestion for fixing it or just pointing that out?

I think he was just asking, honestly, if your eye can tell for sure when an image is totally in focus and a bit soft. Not as an insult or putting down your picture..but it really is something tricky to get used to. For a good while, I thought my pictures were in focus, but when I started really concentrating on it, I realized the difference.

Honestly, I still can't "see" it every time. It's an eye training/experience thing IMO. If you had said you didn't think they were OOF maybe he'd have some advice to help you train your eye.

That was what I got from the post, at least... But maybe I'm totally off =P
I can tell they are soft. I think some of that is due to the low aperture I was using. It was just an oversight on my part (being in a hurry to get to cheer practice, lol). Some of it is probably a combination of not a high enough ISO, too low of an aperture, and maybe some of my movement (shutter speed too low) as well.
Yes they're a lil soft. I'm her mom so i love them.

Do you have a suggestion for fixing it or just pointing that out?

Couple things. You are your own customer becuase its your daughter so you like them because again, she's your daughter.

BUT..... at the same time, you're going to have to take CC even if it's your daughter so when you take pix of people for money, they are happy with the pictures because they will look professional.

So yes, for soft image, you want to raise the contrast a bit during PP. But as a photographer, you'd want to be able to know just by looking at the image, UNLESS of course, you want that effect on purpose and that's what your customer is requesting
Yes they're a lil soft. I'm her mom so i love them.

Do you have a suggestion for fixing it or just pointing that out?

Do you know what shutter speed you used ? also try using just the center focus point and recomposing, if i have any soft focus shots it does not matter if it is my kids, partner,dog they get deleted i never save them
they are all at 1/200 gary. maximum synch speed with her built in flash ETTL. I can never figure out my built in flash. Can you do HSS? It seems that she could only use smaller aperture to fix her blown out background.
I understand your point of view Gary, but I am not gonna delete them. Appreciate the advice.

Flash was used on some of the day, but I'm not sure about these.

I was in AP mode, so I'm not sure if that matters. When I use centerpoint and recompose I tend to get soft pictures every single time so I stopped doing that.

Mo, I don't mind the CC, I'd rather someone offer advice on how to fix a problem rather than just telling me what's wrong with it, though.
These are good, I would have to agree they look a little soft. When the sun shines through the branches excessively such as in #1 it can confuse the sensor a little. Consider moving to where the lighting is a little more even
Just for curiosity, have you done any tests with your camera to see if it's front or back focusing? It seems as though a majority of your pictures are somewhat soft, so maybe it's not you, but something in your camera is slightly out.
I don't know how to do that so if you have any insight I'd love to hear it!
I've never had to do it, but I have heard of people who have had to.

I think someone more experienced should chime in here, as I won't want to give you bad info. For all I know, it's something that can't be adjusted on your camera.
I think many seem out of focus too. Are you using auto focus? And I would really try to remember to use shutter speed priority when shooting kids, they are fast, so the shutter speed needs to be faster then 1/200, IMO.
I also wonder how you hold the camera.
Were you zoomed way in with this?
Or is this with your 50mm?
Looks like EXIF data shows 1/200 on shutter speed with flash, ISO of 100, aperture of 2.8 with daylight WB
hum... didnt we school you about your ISO with your donkey thread? haha j/k
Bring that ISO up to 200 girl, you will be able to use a faster shutter speed and they will not be so soft.
she cant use faster shutter. The flash sync is 1/200 max. She did it right.
oh ok
She is using off camera flash?
I haz confusion now?
With kids, I really suggest higher shutter then 1/200. Even if that means to turn the flash off....
This was daylight in the shade, was flash needed?

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