Red dot on D80?!

you can use bulb to "exite" the pixel between maybe white and black light sources,
lol :mrgreen: i see it and its annoying the hell out of me!

I tried leaving camera overnight, even tried grounding it up... Nothing.

Ok, several more observations. When i open NEF in Photoshop, i can actually see the dead pixel for a second, but then it goes away! If i reopen the same file, i dont see it again, only new files work. If i switch preview off, i still dont see it. WHATS GOING ON?! Conspiracy theory? :) Photoshop magic? :D
I'm pretty sure Nikon's software kills the pixels when it converts the files. I'm not 100% but I remember hearing something about it.
My D80 has hot pixels all over the place. This drove me crazy when I first got it, but they come and go all the time, and unless you're printing giant you won't even see them either. In fact I don't even notice them on 20x30" prints. So I wouldn't worry about it unless you've got one like dead center on the sensor so that it's always going to be on your subject...

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