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Received the Wrong Lens

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TPF Noob!
Dec 4, 2010
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So recently I ordered a lens online from a big major retailer. I did receive the lens I ordered, however they decided to send me the IS version for the non-IS price.

Trying to decide what to do:

Do the "right thing" and send it back?

Sell it for a better upgraded lens.

Keep it.

Without being too specific, we are talking about a $600 difference, which is more than what I paid for the lens.
So recently I ordered a lens online from a big major retailer. I did receive the lens I ordered, however they decided to send me the IS version for the non-IS price.

Trying to decide what to do:

Do the "right thing" and send it back?

Sell it for a better upgraded lens.

Keep it.

Without being too specific, we are talking about a $600 difference, which is more than what I paid for the lens.

Using the words "big major retailer" cause me to say keep it. If it was a smaller camera shop I would suggest you make an attempt to correct their mistake.

Selling it for profit would be crossing an already thin line. Keep it, or send it back.

I would let them know about the mistake and that you don't mind keeping the one they sent you. I bet you they would just let you keep it and your conscious would be guilt free.
Definately keep it. I wouldnt even have told us about it! :lol: Maybe that makes me a jerk, though :er:

You really know what you should do, and you know what you want to do and I am not going to help you make that decision.
I'm a person that believes in personal integrity.. and respect. I'd call them up and be honest about the situation.

I absolutely hate people who complain about getting ripped off or taken advantage of when they themselves are willing to do similar to others.

btw... for me it doesn't matter if it is a "big" or little store or even an individual. It's all about you. "ann" said it already "You really know what you should do..."
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I'd probably keep it, myself. If it is really bugging you however, maybe just call them and inform them of the mistake; chances are they'll just let you keep it. Especially if you say you don't want to have to go to the bother of sending it back and waiting on the lens you really wanted because of their mistake. $600 for a big company is really nothing...
It's the company's error and there's no obligation to do anything about. Just like in Monopoly; "Bank error in your favor. Collect $200." The only ones marginally affected by this tiny loss would be those who draw there income directly from sales (Executives, Owners, etc). And if it's a "big company" than a few hundred dollars on a single item is peanuts. Perhaps I have an overly cynical viewpoint and I try to "do the right thing" most of the time. But if there are any phrases that ring more true, its that nice guys finish last and winners take advantage of opportunities. Just gotta find your own happy medium in the gray area in between.

On the flip side, they could reward your honesty with a coupon or some other incentive to get you to spend more money with them, but it's a (small) chance to take, and likely wouldn't cover the value of their mistaken goods in the first place. Especially from a "big compnay" who likely cares more about bottom line profits than anything else.
If it means anything I am still dealing with a guy that tried to rip me off and I have not had access to my paypal account for almost 3 weeks now. His lack of integrity has caused a great deal of issues for me.... do whats right.
Why don't you go into your bathroom and have a long talk with the guy in the mirror?

If at the end of the conversation you two can still look each other in the eye, do what you've agreed.
I would be jumping up and down and wont feel bad one bit. To be honest with you when you call the custormer service, you probably have to wait a few minutes. Then when you get to talk with them they will either think you are so nice, or you are an idiot for calling about this when it is in your favor (especially if the customer service knows about lenses). LOL
I can't believe how many responders glibly suggest to simply keep as if it's your due because somebody made a mistake somewhere in a shipping department. What possible difference does it make weather the retailer is a chain or a mom and pop operation. Dishonesty and lack of integrity is never 'right'. Since when has it become 'cool' to act so selfishly? Didn't anybody ever teach these people any moral values?
$600 for a big company is really nothing...
They didn't get to be a big company by handing out $600 discounts...

I seriously doubt that they would say 'oops - my bad. Why don't you just go ahead and keep that'.

They would probably send you a shipping label so that you can send it back to them at no cost to you, while they send you the lens you actually ordered.
Hah... KMH just sent me a pm saying he is putting me on ignore list for being dishonest. At least I am being honest what I would have done. It is always easier to talk than when it actually happens to you.
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