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Really weird sunrise


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2012
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Hazy with smoke from a forest fire. Foggy.. fog is on fire.

wow amazing sunrise! the fog looks great backlit. maybe try putting the sun a little more to either the left or right next time, rule of thirds.
I think the sun works centered if he puts it dead center and crops off most of the top and bottom to a pano format
I'm really new to photography so I appreciate the composition tips.
I will mention that I tried offsetting the sun for rule of thirds, but the picture was taken through an opening in some trees so it was impossible to move the sun. I would've had to walk out onto the golf course to get passed the trees. I'll try that crop suggestion though. Cheers.

edit: like this?

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This would be a great nominee for photo of the month! :lol:
Still my favorite photo I've taken in my few months in the photography hobby.

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