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TPF Noob!
Jun 21, 2003
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Hi everyone,

It's been a loooong time since I have frequented TPF, but now I have returned to the world of normal photography (spent a while shooting models), I feel I should visit again. Hope the welcome mat is still out for me and the key is under the same rock so I can get in. :)
Holy Toledo, you must have been one of the early members with a June '03 join date. Welcome back. You're gonna feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle, with just about everyone you knew looooong gone.
Welcome back (you dreamed for your ticket out... welcome back, to the sam old place that you laughed about)

Sorry, I can never say that phrase without singing the Welcome Back Kotter song (tv show from the 70's)
Hey, I remember you!... Welcome back.
Welcome back .. although that was way before my time ;)
Wait...THE Luckydog?

The one that posted his picture and made all the girlies drool? Including me?

Well then....welcome back! :eyebrows:
DOWN, SIMBAH! :whip:


Welcome back to the fold, Lucky! :D Happy New Year!
Wait.. you can't be me, I'm me... you must be you (or am I talking to myself again?)... :confused:

Welcome back!
Welcome back LD. I was away for a while also, glad to see you really didn't forget us. When/where's the party?

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