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Radio Flyer


TPF Noob!
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
For some reason when i read the title
i thought you meant a flyer to listen to the radio
i was like what..
so i had to look at it
haha pleasently surprised
I like the colors and the rust look of the wagon
good job!
Oh, I want this one for all eternities in the Photo Themes thread on "rust". This is so good! :D
(If you can't find it, not even when looking at the Index-theads, I can look for you and bump it for you).
LaFoto said:
Oh, I want this one for all eternities in the Photo Themes thread on "rust". This is so good! :D
(If you can't find it, not even when looking at the Index-theads, I can look for you and bump it for you).

i thought of that thread actually when i took this photo... i will definitely be sure it gets in there... thanks!

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