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Question about Flickr

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No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 20, 2023
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Washington State
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Maybe I misunderstood this but I had read about Flickr that they have a parent company that is a stock photo site and it is in the fine print that you agree to when joining the site that you give them rights to your photos you upload and there for Flickr can sell your images as stock photos. Something along those lines so after reading this I always stayed away from Flickr..........Anyone familiar with this?
Why guess? Just Google flickr copyright...
Back to the OP: Go to Flickr and along the bottom-right is a link to their Terms. #6 mentions that you retain the copyright on your images. I suspect it's a misunderstanding of the legalese or just plain misinformation.
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Because maybe someone here has direct knowledge and can answer quicker than a rabbit hole of links from Google? Just a thought.
Also clicking on a link that comes up in Google even a innocent sounding one is a good way to get a virus....
Because maybe someone here has direct knowledge and can answer quicker than a rabbit hole of links from Google? Just a thought.
"flickr copyright" took me directly to the flickr Help Forum and a copyright thread there--hardly a "rabbit hole." But if the OP takes more comfort from hearsay and misinformation--rock on!
Here at TPF we encourage interaction with others. It's a forum. So questions are allowed and encouraged.

If you personally have nothing to offer in the way of a reply beyond "Google it," then you should probably stay out of it.

But if the OP takes more comfort from hearsay and misinformation--rock on!

Yeah, that's the right call - because hearsay and misinformation don't exist on the internet. 🙄 But thanks for the clarification on how you view your fellow TPF members. 👍 Good to know. Rock on!
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Here at TPF we encourage interaction with others. It's a forum. So questions are allowed and encouraged.

If you personally have nothing to offer in the way of a reply beyond "Google it," then you should probably stay out of it.

But if the OP takes more comfort from hearsay and misinformation--rock on!

Yeah, that's the right call - because hearsay and misinformation don't exist on the internet. 🙄 But thanks for the clarification on how you view your fellow TPF members. 👍 Good to know. Rock on!
Ouch......Note to self don't mess with Terri
Ouch......Note to self don't mess with Terri

Yeah if you p*** her off best be prepared for a battle. LOL

I've used Flickr for several years, and never had a problem. Flickr is a wholly owned subsidiary of SmugMug, which may be where some misconception occurred. However from the Flickr site - "You retain all intellectual property rights in and to any User Content you post, upload or otherwise make available through the Services, including the copyright in and to your photos and videos. SmugMug does not claim any ownership, right, title or interest in and to your User Content."
I've used Flickr for many years and no problems. I did make backgrounds for a Flickr group a long time ago and you had to change the privacy rights on each photo. If you are worried, then do the copy/paste wording that I see on FB posts ;) regarding photos.
Flickr is a great site for sharing and also for use as a host site when posting on forums. I enjoy it for both inspiration and community. Also I use it to easily have access to all my edited photos from any device. Anything I’ve edited is stored there. The annual fee is worth the convenience for me and it’s a 3rd backup for my laptop and external drive.
Flickr is a great site for sharing and also for use as a host site when posting on forums. I enjoy it for both inspiration and community. Also I use it to easily have access to all my edited photos from any device. Anything I’ve edited is stored there. The annual fee is worth the convenience for me and it’s a 3rd backup for my laptop and external drive.
"...I had read about Flickr that they have a parent company that is a stock photo site and it is in the fine print that you agree to when joining the site that you give them rights to your photos you upload and there for Flickr can sell your images as stock photos."

Can the OP please share the source for this?
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