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Promo Models


TPF Noob!
Mar 31, 2007
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I got a message from a "promo modeling agency" which asked me if I was interested in doing some work with them. They told that I would have to pay $250 for a transportation fee of some sort and I would have to give them all the photos in both .TIF and RAW formats and sign a contract giving away my copyright. My question is why would anyone do that? from my understanding promo models just stand there and smile, no creativity at all, jsut there cause they are "hot"?
Be very leary of people who approach you with any deals like this. Especially when they ask for money! That to me is avery big tip off to a scam. If people hunt you out to do work generally that results in you getting money not giving. A serious business wouldn't do that.
That would be like you going and finding a model for a particular shoot and then charging her money to model.
Ehh just more people that think they are hot stuff. Sometimes people’s egos get so big they don't realize that there business tactics show them as being bottom feeders.
sounds like a madoff with a much smaller scheme to me.
I got a message from a "promo modeling agency" which asked me if I was interested in doing some work with them. They told that I would have to pay $250 for a transportation fee of some sort and I would have to give them all the photos in both .TIF and RAW formats

$250 dollars??? HAHAHA! Did you tell them to "kiss off"?

Sheesh, with all the seniors begging to have their pictures taken, all the family members just waiting to get their pics taken, all the friends and friends of friends and all the members of various clubs and thousands of events happening all around on a daily basis... *ALL* waiting to get their pics taken, I really think that you are looking in the WRONG places to get a little portraiture experience!

Look, I know you are looking to take a few pics but really, you need to first settle down, stop running in cirlces real fast and take a deep breath. Start off with the obvious and better choices of places.

Start off with family and friends, branch out into clubs like the strobist clubs. If there are none locally... START one yourself! This exercise alone will force you to practice important skills over and above being able to press a shutter... like people skills, which are critical in important places like being able to guide models from pose to pose other similar areas. From there, you will see that the friends of the members will want to become models for you and your group, and from there gain a little momentum... places like gyms, fight clubs, modeling agencies, even some corporate people will open doors to you and the club... but you have to (like everything else), start with the basics.

Paying for models and then giving them the full size prints is an **obvious** rip off attempt by a complany looking for desperate people with cameras.

I would not even honor those kinds of people with a respose... the only thing that they would hear is the sound of me laughing at them and a phone being slammed into their ears.
I got a message from a "promo modeling agency" which asked me if I was interested in doing some work with them. They told that I would have to pay $250 for a transportation fee of some sort and I would have to give them all the photos in both .TIF and RAW formats and sign a contract giving away my copyright. My question is why would anyone do that? from my understanding promo models just stand there and smile, no creativity at all, jsut there cause they are "hot"?

So you PAY 250 dollars....do ALL the WORK...and they get BOTH Tiff and Raw Cpywrights.

I can understand wanting the experiance, but im sure you can get some family to do something for you. Id be all for it if you got paid, but if you pay them and you dont get anything in return, I wouldnt even care if its a scam or not. Thats bull.
I'll let anyone here pay me $250 to wash my car as long as I can claim credit for washing it...
I'm not sure this kind of modelling agencies really do have a "business". It sound ridiculous to me but sadly, this "business" is blooming in my area. Every weekend, hundreds of photo sessions are organized and thousands of "photographers" gathered in different scenic spots. They paid to circle the pretty little girls to take pictures. and what's the creativity in there? Now, even teenage schoolgirls who does not even have any training or experience in modelling asked to be paid to be photographed.

Mind my saying this, "this is worse than prostitution!"
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: God that's funny..... [wiping tears]
Anybody that would do that is stupid.

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