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"Professional" headshots C&C requested

For some reason, Ballistics' firefighter shot is more appealing to me.

HELL YEAH!!! I would be in trouble with the wife if they looked like that. I have many late night meetings at the hall I can only imagine what the Mrs. would say if I had members that looked like that. LOL!

Well fortunately for me, that is my wife lol.
I just shot like 30 head shots. All of them turned out great, dramatic and artistic. Then I had to shrink them all down to 100x100 px for the company's internal website.

Oh well! Maybe if anyone decides to become an actor they can use them frothier portfolios.
Notice how the shadow casted is off to the side?
I did notice that. I thought that by bouncing the light off the ceiling I wouldn't have that shadow cast.
Something that I didn't explain in my OP was that the wall is to the right of the people and the flash is to the left. I feel as though I should have made it so that the bounce wall was on the flash side. Thoughts on that?

(TTL isn't always exactly the same with every shot).
I actually did notice that on some of the other photos that I took the shadow that is cast is much more pronounced. I am not sure why though because from everything that I can tell the settings are all the same. I'm not quite sure what I am missing there.

For some reason, Ballistics' firefighter shot is more appealing to me.

HELL YEAH!!! I would be in trouble with the wife if they looked like that. I have many late night meetings at the hall I can only imagine what the Mrs. would say if I had members that looked like that. LOL!

Well fortunately for me, that is my wife lol.
You are a blessed man as am I with my wife. ;)
We actually do have women on our organization, just none as lovely. Women have a calming voice when maintaining head stabilization on patients who have been in an auto accident or for any other type of patient care actually.

Oh well! Maybe if anyone decides to become an actor they can use them frothier portfolios.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
I did notice that. I thought that by bouncing the light off the ceiling I wouldn't have that shadow cast.
Something that I didn't explain in my OP was that the wall is to the right of the people and the flash is to the left. I feel as though I should have made it so that the bounce wall was on the flash side. Thoughts on that?

It's how it was bounced. You were relatively close, and angled the light upwards and towards the subject. This tells me that the source of the light was exposed to the subject, and slightly above them. If it were directly up or away, there would be no shadow.
If it were directly up or away, there would be no shadow.

Then this is what I will do this Thursday! Thank you for the help!:thumbup:
If it were directly up or away, there would be no shadow.

This worked like a charm! Thank you Ballistics for that. I also "bladed on a 45 degree angle" as you suggested, one of the people that I shot to see how it looked. It was great! She is a little heavy and so not only did I have her "blade at a 45" but I also had her lean in to lose the double chin. A trick that I had read somewhere else. She and I were really happy with the shot when chimping the on the camera. It wasn't until I got home and found that I had missed focus. I'm not happy about it but, these are only for id's so..... I'm gonna live and learn. :/

Again though, thank you for the assistance! The advice did help!

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