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Problems of Wedding Photographer Encounter.


TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2009
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Hey everyone - For the wedding photographers out there, what are some of the problems that you have running your business? The most common problem I tend to hear about is marketing... Does anyone else struggle with that?

Thanks in advance for all of your help!

Marketing I don't find hard- more just that there's so much competition out there and everyone wants to hire the person who's cheapest but not as skilled. That seems to be the hardest part so far. Also meeting couples who think they know more about Photography than you do..both are a challenge!

My blog: Shandra Stephenson's Blog
Weddings & Portraits: http://www.shandravasia.com
I haven't had any problem with marketing. Actually, I haven't done any and am booked full and must dates have had multiple inquiries. I don't really agree with Shandra's comment (I say that respectively :) ) ; personally I don't want brides who are bargain hunting so I am not priced for that. The hardest part getting into it was pricing yourself what you are worth. :)
Marketing sort of takes care of itself after a while... recommendations, approaches for a business card at a wedding etc(at weddings are great because brides always invite "Brides to be").
If there is a problem, stress would be my answer. You only have the one chance to get it right and the expectations are very high. Also, during the day an over zealous uncle (forgetting that you are being paid for a job) whants to know the ins and outs of everything - gets in your way - wants to show you every pic he takes etc etc.
However, I love my job so I must love a little stress in my life.

Is there a reason why you ask the question?

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