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post-processing help


TPF Noob!
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
queensland, australia
regrowth help??
hi guys, posted this thread in the digital section but no response so i thought someone may be able to help me here~ i did some engagement portraits for a couple of friends but she hadn't been to the hairdressers and had some pretty serious regrowth!... was keen for me to work some photoshop magic on it!! has anyone played hairdresser in photoshop?? is the dodge tool the best to use.. obviously i want it to look natural~ish! i tried it on 15% and dodged highlights/midtones and shadows for an ok result - is this right or is there a better technique?. Also would like to brighten up the whites of her eyes a bit and do a bit of dental bleaching (all at her request:mrgreen: of course) Tried this by lasooing the teethetc. then, adjusting the curves slightly.. looks quite good but not sure if it will print ok... any tips or suggestions greatly appreciated.. i have version 7 of photoshop and jasc paintshop pro if this helps..... Very keen to hear your wise words of post-processing tecniques asap as i'm anxious to get them back to them! thanks AGAIN x:heart:
If you get Corel Paint Shop Pro X, it has this WONDERFUL tool called the makeover tool and you can in one click lighten teeth, you can do it alot or just a little.
As far as her eyes go, the white balance may help, or the lasso could work if you were zoomed in enough to see that you got it all.

Is there anyway that you could post the picture on here? I could play with it if you wanted me too and see if I can give you any tips. Not sure I could do any better then you though. If you do not want me to, that is okay too, I understand.
What do you mean by 'regrowth'?

Typically when I work in photoshop retouching an image, my most used tools are the patch tool, a brush set to multiply or screen at about 6%, and the clone stamp for really heavy work (the clone stamp is basically the sledgehammer of retouching).
For teeth.. I usually just get a brush and use the burn tool. But, what do I know I don't sell pictures.:lol:
First of all, in my experience Photoshop is leaps and bounds above and beyond all other editing software. I couldn't believe the difference from Paint Shop Pro and others.

I generally use the technique you described. I lasso the eyes, (using the "shift click" function to capture both,) then promote them to their own layer via copy. Then I use a variety of techniques. I adjust the contrast, sharpen, dodge, adjust levels, adjust color balance, etc until I'm happy with them. I do the same with the mouth.

Not sure what you mean by regrowth, but I use the clone tool, and the healing brush tool heavily to remove blemishes.
I think she means that her hair has gown out so that her natural roots are showing compared the the rest of the hair, which is colored.
another idea for making brighter eyes is to lasso around both eyes with a feather of about 20 on a large image maybe 2 or 3 on a small. Copy a paste the onto new layer and change that layer mode to screen, then lower the opacity to suit.

re-touching the hair regrowth will be a toughy, but try this...

select the eyedropper tool and change the sample size to 3 by 3 average (in the options) then take a sample from the lighter area of hair. now create a new layer and select a medium to large soft edge paint brush and paint over the dark bits of the hair (you dont have to be to precise), now change the layer mode to "lighten" ('Screen' mode also can work) and lower the opacity to whatever looks the most natural.

also you wont be bruising the pixels as you would with dodge/burn

this idea is just of the top of my head so not 100% sure it will work, but worth a go

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