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TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
So I started using this "Duotone" feature to make my black and whites look better, only now I can't "save as" anything but a PSD or whatever. Can't save as a jpg. Anyone explain how to do it. Possible explain why I can't do it now?

Maybe even explain why duotone actually makes my B+W's look better? Am I even using the process properly?


Is your color mode set to RGB?
no it's set to duotone.
There is no layers to flatten.
i think you have to convert the image to greyscale mode first...... then you can save in whatever format...... off the top of my head i think once you've changed it to greyscale.. you can then change it back to RGB.
Here's the process that I used.

a) Convert to Grayscale
b) Selected Duotone (it's only available once you've converted to grayscale)
c) Picked two 'tones'.
d) tried to save as jpg.

it only lets me save as a psd.
yea, so you have to go back to RGB..... It should let you convert it back..... if it doesn't, change it to greyscale again first.... then RGB. ;)
bace said:
Here's the process that I used.

a) Convert to Grayscale
b) Selected Duotone (it's only available once you've converted to grayscale)
c) Picked two 'tones'.

d) change mode to RGB
e) save as jpg

Thanks you lot!!!

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