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Playing around....what do you think?


TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2009
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Halifax NS
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I guess the question is what would you like us to comment on? The composition? Post processing? (assuming there is some... looks... odd to me) What did you do?
It's not often I like selective color, but I like this.
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It's not often I like selective color, buy I like this.

Same here,.. I usually hate it, but I'm very curious to know how it was done with this image.
Pulled yellow and green hue and saturation all the way down and red all the way up........that's about it........was just trying things and liked the way this one came out.
It's certainly a funky effect... though I don't think the souce image in this case was interesting enough to turn it into something particularly compelling. Keep it in your bag of tricks, though. Might be awesome with something else.
Personally I really like this image, it is as if you are watching winter come into season rather rapidly. (if that makes since..) I am new into photography, but I just wanted you to know that i enjoy this shot as I havent seen another quite like it
It's certainly a funky effect... though I don't think the souce image in this case was interesting enough to turn it into something particularly compelling. Keep it in your bag of tricks, though. Might be awesome with something else.

Agreed. But I find the effect interesting enough to say keep playing ;)
Maybe a grue lives in the woods!
honestly, i feel this may be the worst application of selective coloring i've seen
I like the pic. a lot but cant nail down why........;)
honestly, i feel this may be the worst application of selective coloring i've seen

Perhaps you might have something constructive to offer as an alternative, or examples of selective coloring that you think are particularly good? Or perhaps some methods for selective coloring and when/why/how to do it?
honestly, i feel this may be the worst application of selective coloring i've seen
This is not at all a constructive comment, and its tone is rather insulting. As a member who enjoys coming to this forum and posting, I don't appreciate seeing this kind of response to someone's photo post. I hope you will reconsider your method of responding/word choice in the future, and try to remember it's supposed to be constructive criticism members give.

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