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Photos I took, need opinions.


TPF Noob!
Jan 19, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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Pictures by kristennicole17 - Photobucket I took these and want to start a career, I need you to catergorize these photos, and tell me which ons are the best that stick and that are perfect. Pretty much ones that would make you hire a new photographer.
Guess I'll let you know! People don't normally click links. You'll get better feedback if you post between 1-5 photos directly, the fewer the better :) .
That's not really how this forum works. Most won't click on links. Try posting a few pictures that you feel are your best work. You will get much better feedback that way.
I don't see anything.
I don't see anything.

So, you are Massimo D'Alema. I somewhat recognised your arrogance, yet combined with telling true things most of times :)

(unfortunately is a joke understandable only by about half Italians...)
Pictures by kristennicole17 - Photobucket I took these and want to start a career, I need you to catergorize these photos, and tell me which ons are the best that stick and that are perfect. Pretty much ones that would make you hire a new photographer.

I'm sorry, but these look like snapshots from a very casual shooter. They all have an air of casualness about them. The "category" these would fit in would be snapshot/memory recordings/casual snaps. THe processing of the majority of the images is rather bland and pedestrian. They look kind of "far away". Overall, I think a few more years of photography AND STUDY, will help elevate your skills. Keep at it. Keep working!
Derrel is being nice.

Although your photos are pretty good there is nothing in your body of work that would lead me to hire for a wedding, a party, a product launch, a fashion show..... get the picture?

Pick an area of photography that you want people to hire you for and build yourself a portfolio demonstrating your skill and creativeness in that genre.
They're snapshots that look like they were taken by someone who just got a great camera and is now rarin' to go with it! They appear to be taken in auto/point and shoot mode with no thought to the creation of the image and it's exposure. The compositions are all very weak and very centered. They are a bit flat and lack contrast and sharpness.
There is nothing there of a professional level or even entry level professional. You need to learn composition; exposure and the creative aspects of exposure; how to use light-whether it is natural or not; post processing/developing and about a million other things after that. Those things will get you to at least an entry level professional level.
Keep shooting and most of all start learning. You'll get there!
What do you want to start a career in ?
Snapshot photography is my guess...who knows, maybe Point & Shoot Academy is enrolling? Lots of career options there...
Was that necessary? Almost got through a whole noob thread with really good advice and critisms and no just plain condescending comments. Oh well.

Remember, criticism and condescending are two different definitions.
What do you want to start a career in ?
Snapshot photography is my guess...who knows, maybe Point & Shoot Academy is enrolling? Lots of career options there...
Was that necessary? Almost got through a whole noob thread with really good advice and critisms and no just plain condescending comments. Oh well.

Remember, criticism and condescending are two different definitions.

Maybe you haven't been here long enough to fully grasp just how many people come here and post

these are the first photos i've taken and i'd like to start a business tomorrow. any suggestions? plz/thx u! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Take it for what it is. Its all constructive criticism for the most part. Please don't take it personal!

Above all keep shooting. Study others work. I'm just getting started as well!

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What do you want to start a career in ?
Snapshot photography is my guess...who knows, maybe Point & Shoot Academy is enrolling? Lots of career options there...
Was that necessary? Almost got through a whole noob thread with really good advice and critisms and no just plain condescending comments. Oh well.

Remember, criticism and condescending are two different definitions.

I apologize, I didn't intend it to be read as condescending, but obviously our definitions of humor don't match up. I was just pointing out what others had said already, that the photos had the appearance of snapshots (the kind overbearingly taken with point and shoots mind you) and elaborating on a point that MLeek stated as well, that there was "...nothing there of a professional level or even entry level professional." I didn't intend for it to be read into so much.

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