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photoForum: where to created new thread?


TPF Noob!
Sep 19, 2016
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Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia)
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
hi everyone,
every time I want to create a new thread (new post) on the forum, I don't find the button to do that. I have to open an older thread I published, and then appears an option to create new thread.
where is that visible in the menu (without having to do what I've just said?)
thanks for your help!
You have to be in a forum (of your choice) then the button is near the top, toward the right side.
hi everyone,
every time I want to create a new thread (new post) on the forum, I don't find the button to do that. I have to open an older thread I published, and then appears an option to create new thread.
where is that visible in the menu (without having to do what I've just said?)
thanks for your help!

Go to the forum you want to post in (e.g. one of the photo gallery subject forums to post pictures for critique and comments, or a discussion thread...). Look for the "Post New Thread" button on the top right. Boom. New thread.

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