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TPF Noob!
Dec 11, 2007
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All over Louisiana
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Does anyone use a photobook maker online such as Kodak? I'm wondering what will be the best for a fairly low price. I'm currently making one on MyBookMaker, however its 13.00 for the first 20 pgs and a 1.00 every page after. Any other suggestions? At the moment the book is up to 269 pages or so....HELP! Thanks!
I won a photobook from Kodak last year. It turned out great. Not sure what their pricing is, but I would order from them again.
I was going to sugest Asukabook, but if you think what you have is expensive, you don't even want to go there.
I've also been looking for online photobook sites that I can use form Canada. Many that I have found won't ship to Canada.
I used www.mypublisher.com to make some books for XMas presents, and I was totally blown away by the results - and their prices ROCK, there are some amazing coupon codes floating around for this site!

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