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Phew....just finished first session! CC

Gorgeous light and processing. I just find myself instinctively tilting my head on shots 1 and 3. I think these are terrific. Nice job.
They are so good!
the lighting is PERFECT!
Are some of these cropped for smart phone usage? Not sure of the cropping here or angled shots, but thats a personal preference I guess. I think the actual shots are nicely focused, clear and adorable.:thumbup:
These are great. I'm just not a big fan of angled portraits, but like vtf said others may love it.

Good job.
Great lighting! I also love the composition! Nice work, and thanks for sharing!
Great shots! Like others have said, the lighting is great and the composition is excellent! For a personal preference, i would have kept the rotation down just a bit, but again, thats all personal preference.
love them!! What camera and lens did you use?? Also at what settings?? These are perfect!
Goregeous shots, I am not so sure about the tilted shots though.
Very nice! Yeah, you might have to tilt the head a bit on 1 and 3 but that's fine. It's becoming the in thing and I have been seeing more and more of it going on. Awesome job on the photo's
A little bit too much pitching and yawing for my taste, but nice lighting and good processing overall though. The last shot of the little girl's piercing eyes is interesting.
For everyone who said "It might just be me" or "Personal taste", you're wrong... The tilt is just too much... Period. The lighting is GREAT GREAT GREAT! You are cropping like my wife though... Get a little more in the photo, tilt less, don't change the lighting at all, and not even my wife would take off a kids head!

Love ya wifey!
Yeah, great job over all.

But like everyone else...The "arsty" angle is fail.
You can make it work when the composition allows for it. Yours don't. You clipped fingers and slivers of heads, and there is really no reason for it. These crops seem totally arbitrary.

Read up on composition...then you will really be stellar!

It's not wrong to crop heads, and stuff, but it is very situation dependant.
Yeah the tilt doesn't do it for me either but the shots themselves are fantastic. Really nice lighting and PP work. Well focused in all the shots.

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