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Pentax Lens suggestion


TPF Noob!
Nov 25, 2007
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Looking for something good in low light, Prime lens is fine, MF is fine. Just want something I can use on my K100D and not have to worry about a flash. I'm assuming max. appeture of 2.8 or less.

Hi. What kind of focal length are you looking for? I assume you're not looking for something particularly wide or long, but something 'standard'?

If you're after a good normal prime, I like usayit's suggestion... try the FA 35mm f/2... or for a faster, short telephoto, try the FA 50mm f/1.4 which Johnboy recommended. Either are very good value. These are the more recent autofocus versions; there are older manual-focus equivalents, which are obviously cheaper, but I recommend getting the autofocus versions if you can. Another popular choice is the Sigma 30mm f/1.4.

If you do want to go for a manual-focus lens instead, there are plenty on auction and used gear sites, but I suggest sticking with A-series lens (ones with "A" on the aperture ring) for more convenience in metering... the even older (M or K series) lenses will meter, but you'd have to stop down aperture on the lens and press an extra button to meter, so IMO it's worth paying extra for a later lens... 28mm, 35mm or 50mm should all be reasonably affordable and available... 50mm is generally the way to go if you want the fastest lens for the least money.
Honestly, I'm a virgin when it comes to anything non zoom, so I'm not exactly sure what focal length I'm looking for. But, I can tell you what I want it for. Inside candids. Spur of the moment stuff that won't require "setting up". I honestly focus pretty fast manually when I get used to the lens, so manual doesn't really bother me. Besides, I'm no a budget like nobody's business, so that's a another motivator for manual.

ZaphodB - Thanks for the recommendations. Can you mention any specific brands that would be okay or any specific lenses? I jumped into photograpy a while ago with a Canon and only had canon lenses. So I don't relly know what K mount lenses would be worth looking at .
If it's primes you're looking for, I'd say best to stick with Pentax. In manual focus, look for Pentax 'A' series (the front of the lens will read SMC Pentax-A)... in 28mm, 35mm, or 50mm. Anything much longer could be too long for those inside candid shots. Plus lenses within those focal lengths should be the most reasonably priced.

The cheapest way to get a fast lens is usually with a 50mm... cheapest would be a 50mm f/2, followed by a 50mm f/1.7, 50mm f/1.4 and finally the most expensive 50mm f/1.2. The f/1.7 or f/1.4 are probably best in terms of performance for money.

By the way, before buying anything, I recommend taking your kit lens (I assume you have the 18-55mm?), and try using it at various different focal lengths (28mm, 35mm, 50mm)... try walking around shooting the kind of shots you want the new lens for; this may help you decide what would be the best focal length.
I have the FA 50mm f/1.4 and love using it for indoor candids. Only downside is 50mm is a little on the long side for people right next to you, but then people right next to you will see you start to take a picture and then it's not so candid anymore.

As for figuring out what focal lengths you enjoy, look at the exif data of some of your favorite pictures you've taken and see what focal length they were taken at.
If it's primes you're looking for, I'd say best to stick with Pentax. In manual focus, look for Pentax 'A' series (the front of the lens will read SMC Pentax-A)... in 28mm, 35mm, or 50mm. Anything much longer could be too long for those inside candid shots. Plus lenses within those focal lengths should be the most reasonably priced.

The cheapest way to get a fast lens is usually with a 50mm... cheapest would be a 50mm f/2, followed by a 50mm f/1.7, 50mm f/1.4 and finally the most expensive 50mm f/1.2. The f/1.7 or f/1.4 are probably best in terms of performance for money.

By the way, before buying anything, I recommend taking your kit lens (I assume you have the 18-55mm?), and try using it at various different focal lengths (28mm, 35mm, 50mm)... try walking around shooting the kind of shots you want the new lens for; this may help you decide what would be the best focal length.

That's a great Idea. I'm wanting to take photography much more seriously this time around. I may have to do it outside but it will still give me and idea of what I want. I magine I'll end up somewhere between 28-50mm. I would really like the 40mm pancake lense but more than I want to spend.
There are a lot of decent lenses for sale on eBay, and if you don't mind manually focusing, you can get some pretty cheap !! I have a RMC Tokina 28MM f2.8 that i really love It is a totally manual lens though. Also have the SMC-M 50MM f1.4. Both are very nice lenses, just a little learning curve with them. But once you learn how to meter with them, they are pretty easy to use.

A few shots with the Tokina.


I have another question. My brother may also be moving up to digital. He has been dabbling in photograghy for a while using an old Minolta. He found a great deal on a K100D body for only $319 due to some special Paypal has you get 20% back.

Anyway, He doesn't want to break $500 and wants to know if there's a better alternative to the kit lense for $180?
For $180? I'm inclined to say add another $19 and get the 50mm f/1.4. But a a 50mm prime on a dSLR is not for everyone. Honestly if he is only going to have one lens for now, within that budget, it should be the kit lens (which is $100, or less if bought in a kit)... I know people knock kit lenses, especially when compared to better (and more expensive) glass, but really it's not that bad. Build quality's not that bad, it lets you focus manually in AF mode and has nice little touches like the hood with the removable cap for turning filters. Optically it may not be anything special but it's decent when stopped down, and really you can't go wrong for the price. IMO, best to stick with the kit lens for now, while getting used to digital SLR photography and while saving up for something better.
Maybe if he can find a deal on a used lens, but the Pentax Kit 18-55 is NOT a bad lens at all, it is rated as the best kit lens out there from what i have read. $180 is not a lot of money in the land of lenses, lol, he'd be hard pressed to find a good lens for that much, especially new. If he doesn't mind scouring eBay daily he MAY find something nice on there for $180, and if he doesn't mind shooting manual lenses, he could probably get several primes for less than 180, say a 28MM f2.8 of some sort, a 35MM f2.8, and a fast 50 prime
If price is a consideration, the 50mm 1.4 is your best bet. If price is no object, the SMCP-A 80mm 1.4 is a freaking killer portrait lens.

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