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Osprey Incoming...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 24, 2012
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Old Saybrook, CT
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Awesome series. I love your osprey shots

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I'm on to you...
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Sans-serif,sans-serif]What is “Osprey hacking”?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Sans-serif,sans-serif]“Hacking” is a procedure developed by falconers hundreds of years ago. “Falconry” is the art of training birds of prey to hunt in cooperation with a person. By raising young raptors in artificial aeries (nests), feeding them before and after fledging, and controlling their release, falconers discovered that the birds were easier to train.[/FONT]
You always deliver. These images are fantastic.
again very good, nice,wonderful, infocus,i just wish.......... al
Thank you everyone!

I'm on to you...
What is “Osprey hacking”?
“Hacking” is a procedure developed by falconers hundreds of years ago. “Falconry” is the art of training birds of prey to hunt in cooperation with a person. By raising young raptors in artificial aeries (nests), feeding them before and after fledging, and controlling their release, falconers discovered that the birds were easier to train.

Ohhh, this sounds like fun, my own pet Osprey... Maybe I should try this next year before the fledge :)
he is osprey chumming, I know he brings his fishing pole, and when he gets a fish lets it almost die and throws it out of the osprey to grab... :)
CC, great shots. I guess I will have to go out and find some osprey. They say that there are some along our rivers. Just have to find them.

he is osprey chumming, I know he brings his fishing pole, and when he gets a fish lets it almost die and throws it out of the osprey to grab... :)

Hey, don't let everyone know my secrets LOL....
Regarding #3, I'm going to quote one of my favorite movie...

"He's coming right at us!" *Dives out control tower window* :mrgreen:

Excellent work as usual, sir.

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