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Online portfolio


TPF Noob!
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Heya. :blushing:

I'm working on my e-Portfolio which will contain amongst other things my photography.

I'd like to know what you fellas thing. Criticism is heartily welcome and suggestions are begged for. ;)

http://laptop.x10hosting.com/site.html ( Please copy & paste, don't just click, the hyperlinking sends you to the wrong page for some reason. )

The theme I'm aiming for is professionalism, slick, simple and an abstract experience. It is NOT finished and I intend to add a lot of "easter eggs" to it.

A few things to note out;
You can click
Images light up upon hover
You can scroll the images by hovering to the edges, the furthest the fastest
More soon :)
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I get a 404 error and McAffee tells me it breaches security :S xxx
Fixed. I'm sorry, I always write "index.html" instead of "site.html"

That's the actual link:

http://laptop.x10hosting.com/site.html ( Please copy & paste, don't just click, the hyperlinking sends you to the wrong page for some reason. )

It's a flash animation, there isn't anything risky about it.
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Bump. :x
I went there and it took far,far too long to load. There are too many flower close-ups and a few too many snapshots of one child there to make me think that you are a professional photographer. One cannot have only photos of his own children on a site--it shows that you've not photographed other peoples' kids much,if at all.

The design is clever, but the slowness of it is distressing.
Loaded fast for me. I didn't think much of the relax message until I heard the music score, cute site. But for a porftolio site there are some things lacking. How do people email you ? It's pretty limited. It reminds me of a business card rather then a portfolio.
it would not load for me...i used the second one and c/p but all i got was a white page with a black border. i hung around for about 1 min and still nothing.
Loaded fast for me and interesting but like the other guy said. Kinda like a business card?

need something to click to see full size pics and maybe some information. If this is just a start and more coming later then it is FREAKING Great. If that is it then I am not so impressed if you get what I am saying!

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