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One portrait of a close friend


TPF Noob!
Jul 11, 2006
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A cold portrait of my close friend Anna.
Her skin seems a bit too red to me, and I'm not digging the blown out chin and neck. Her chin seems to meld into her neck a bit, and there's not that definition between the two that I like to see in portraits. I overall like the composition of the shot, and her eyes are gorgeous. And I think that eyes are the most important part of a portrait, so on that note, this is a good shot. I just feel that there are too many issues in my eyes (red skin tone, highlights) for me say it's a great shot.
I made a few small changes.
I think it's a great photo. Exceptionally pretty girl too. :)
I think it looks great, but I would have like to have seen a shade or two darker lipstick..not enought to overtake the eyes as the focal point, but the mouth is the second thing you notice when looking at someone. To me her lips kind of fade into the rest of her face. Her eyes are beautiful, and I love her almost Oriental pale skin. Just my $0.02
Wow man either she has a flawless face or you airbrushed the hell out of her skin! Exceptional, I wish I could take portraits like that... well, let's start by getting someone to model for me! :P

Note, tiny detail I noticed which bothers me now... her eyebrows look asymmetrical. Symmetry seems almost perfect in this shot, maybe that could be fixed?
I also have an issue with the neck/chin blending into eachother.

But wow, what gorgeous eyes! I love this.
Great photo, love the post-process on the eyes.

I think it looks great, but I would have like to have seen a shade or two darker lipstick..not enought to overtake the eyes as the focal point, but the mouth is the second thing you notice when looking at someone. To me her lips kind of fade into the rest of her face. Her eyes are beautiful, and I love her almost Oriental pale skin. Just my $0.02
thanks for pointing that out. I was "missing" something in this image... you made me clear what it was.
I agree with many of the comments said previously. Darker lipstick might have helped. The skin tone is a bit too pink for me, doesn't seem natural. Although, the picture is very, very nice overall. Gorgeous eyes.
I think its lovely...i dont notice the lips which i think is good. its all about the eyes
She's gorgeous and I love the shot. There may be just a bit too much pink in her face, but I don't mind it. I also think she looks fine without noticeable lipstick. It seems young and fresh to me.
The skin tone is not meant to look natural. I don't like natural skin tones in photos like this. I think that looks boring. I wanted the colors a bit colder but not too blue and I'm pretty satisfied with them. And I also hate dark lipstick so that didn't even cross my mind, hehe. Pale lips look more.. innocent. Thanks for all the comments!
Oh, and the blue eye shadow gives it more... looks good.

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