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One of my first portrait photos


TPF Noob!
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Sunshine State
Can others edit my Photos
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I did not set up anything at the time of this shot nor was it touched up. I know the white shirt on the arm is blown out a little. Please C&C

On camera flash never yields good results and this certainly isn't an exception to that. Aside from the lighting, the biggest problem with the photo is her expression. She looks like you're bothering her with the camera while she's trying to watch TV or something. I think your technical details could be spot on and this would still be a dull shot due to her interaction with the camera. My advice: get her when she's happy and willing to pose, get some light from your windows, lose the on-camera flash and you'll have a good shot. Hope this isn't too harsh, but it doesn't take much work to get from here to a nice portrait.
I dont really see any issue with the blowouts on the arm...reversely, there are alot of dark areas (probably due to your flash).
Her hair blends in with the back and arm of the couch. Light the area better and try and avoid your popup flash.

I agree with the issues with her expression.

The composition needs work as well. Try not to center your subject so much, look up the rule of thirds for help with composition.

On the plus side, you got her eyes sharp, but there is a lack of colour in them. Her body is pretty well light as well, but a picture should be light properly. If parts are dark or very bright, it should be by choice and add to the image instead of remove.

Keep practicing though!
The lack of colour in the eyes may be because of the low light conditions; the iris will be wide open if you don't use a modelling light of some sort. An on-camera flash (I mean stuck to the hot shoe that can rotate and swivel) would help; bouncing flash off the ceiling or behind and to the right might have worked well.
Thanx all, you gave some great advice. I really do appreciate it. This is a friends daughter. The tv was not on. She luvvvvvvvvvvvs the camera. She makes all kinds of faces. She was always asking for her picture to be taken. She can make so many different facial expressions in a minute! She can go from a huge smile to a small pout in a second just for the camera!

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