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TPF Noob!
Nov 21, 2008
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finally got one im satisfied with, could still use some c & c though

1/320 f5.6 ISO800
pretty good but seems a bit washed out. try bumping the contrast a bit.
I like it. However, because you asked for C&C, and because animal photography is so tricky, here's one thing: the focus looks ever so slightly off. It's hard to tell exactly where, but the bird feels very slightly defocused. This may be a result of some noise from ISO 800.

However, I think it's a good bird shot -- and getting the focus tack-sharp on animals is really tricky!
I like it. However, because you asked for C&C, and because animal photography is so tricky, here's one thing: the focus looks ever so slightly off. It's hard to tell exactly where, but the bird feels very slightly defocused. This may be a result of some noise from ISO 800.

However, I think it's a good bird shot -- and getting the focus tack-sharp on animals is really tricky!

i know what you mean. i actualy (for once) got the focus spot on, but i had to run it through a noise reducer and that made it a little less sharp.
pretty good but seems a bit washed out. try bumping the contrast a bit.

well straight from the camera, it had to much. the birds chest was almost blown out and the rest was a little dark. this was the best outcome i could get.

maybe you could help me?
I like the originals best the edits do nothing for me. The boost in contrast has added a green tinge to the bird. Here is my edit. Slightest curves adjustment and a little unsharp mask.

now when you say unsharp mask, what exactly does that mean?
Unsharp mask is a standard sharpening tool which (counterintuitively) uses blurring to make things appear sharper. It's extremely common -- any moderately good photo editor will have it. Give 'er a try!
Ecas32, what photo editor are you using? What is your workflow? How do you edit your photos?
Ecas32, what photo editor are you using? What is your workflow? How do you edit your photos?
i import into canon profesional (supplied software), edit basic in that, then if i need to do anything serious, i process in GIMP.

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