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One more set, to critic if you dont mind


TPF Noob!
Dec 28, 2010
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Montreal area
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Today I've tried to make better composition, What do you think ?
Hole #1 par 4

Old dam

No name brand

Old moulin, What do you call that building in english

The dam again

What I learn from everybody here, is that composition is the star key to photography.
Number #2 has potential if not for the building and wall obstructing view. If you could frame the subject at that same angle but peering over that wall I'd think it a winner ;)
The last one is the best IMO
3 is my favorite and I guess too much sky is on the 1st
First one has potential (the bush) but IMO you just needed a different angle.

I like the last one, But Did you experiment with any slower shutter speeds?
Your horizons are crooked in almost all of them.
#1) Good shot, very clear, I know this goes against the 2/3s rule, but for me there is to much sky and too little foreground.

#2) great angle, but the thin tree branches in the left and right corner and the wall on the right are a bit distracting, maybe if you were to move up closer you could avoid them, also it seems like you weren't using a tripod, that could reduce the slight blurriness of the photo.

#3) A bit crooked, but nice exposure, especially for being directly looking at the sun.. those are hard to get the lighting right.

#4) crop the bottom 1/3 inch of it so its only the water in the foreground, also again seems a little bit blurry, as if there was a slight amount of camera shake, so atripod would help. also if you were using a tripod sometimes the built-in image stabalizer (on the lens if your lens has it) can cause its own blur to the image so if its a long exposure make sure to turn it off. but this is one of my favorite shots.

#5) my favorite shot. great angle on this and i love the colors.

keep up the good work!
Again not sure if you have a tripod or not, but I really can't emphasize the importance of a tripod in medium - long exposures, because even the slightest bit of camera shake can throw off a whole picture. I use mine religiously, even if my shutter is at 1/13 i will pull it out.. theres nothing as frustrating as coming home to edit a set of shots and seeing that camera shake ruined the crispness of them..
For me 3 & 5 were my favourite, Thank for comment I'll try to fix these mistake.
Yes I had my tripod, but it is a cheap one not really sturdy, it's the remote that I forgot. I will try not to forget all this on my next photo shoot.
For the photo #2 I've crop it just were the fence start going right ,yes look better.
MissCream this is going to be a tough one, I see the horizon straight except maybe the third, but I have not 2 eye but one I guess I will have to adjust my perception.( are they all crooked the same side ?)

PS: you know whats great about these forum now a days, we beginer have the
advantage of learning a lot faster than all you guru of photography (not better, but faster, we have you photography guru, so thank to all of you, that critic our photo cause critic (if you can accept it) will only make us better.So TY

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