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Old Rundown Hotel ... Ideas?


TPF Noob!
Nov 12, 2007
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Alberta, Canada
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I drive by this hotel weekly, and finally stopped to shoot it. I guess I wasn't feeling creative that day as I wasn't pleased how they turned out. Comments & critique would be appreciated - any ideas of what I could do for next time??

This is just what the hotel looks like:






ETA: Sorry that last one is so big... I tried resizing
The last one is fine.

Is there anyway to get into the building? I really like the perspective of #2, I like being able to see all the way up the stairs. #5 is just a little too tight of a shot.
That is a fantastic find though. If you could get into the building that would be fantastic!
Thanks for the feedback!

I can't get into the building... if you see in # 3 everything is boarded up and the barbwire prevents you from going up the stairs. It's pretty eerie!
dang that would be insanely fun to explore inside, i wish these were more places like that around here! i love creepy B+W shots.
dang that would be insanely fun to explore inside, i wish these were more places like that around here! i love creepy B+W shots.
Yeah, I would imagine it's fairly old. The strange thing is that all around it has been re-built... everything except this hotel. I would imagine they're going to either tear it down or re-do it.

From this point of view - which way is North ?
and what is the range of focal-lengths available to use?
Away from the hotel - the sun is coming from the west. And I only have a fancy point and shoot camera... I have no idea what the focal-lengths are. Sorry :oops:
You should get some of the explorers to take a look at these photos, they could tell you how to get in.. It would totally be amazing inside!
Really great job with picture No.2!!! I think that hotel looks better in B/W, or some more dramatic colors! ;))
yes this place has potential, I prefer the b&w images but they are a little tight as BB mentioned. I am curious what the morning sun looks like on it and I think a day where there is some cloud in the sky would look good too....another thought for me would be some longer exposures around sunset and just after....or just before dawn.
A nice sized rock could make some 'adjustments' to those window entrances...

Where exactly.. IN alberta is this, may i ask? :) black and whites are always winners in my book, i say wait for a scattered cloud day and shoot with a red filter and underexpose it, add some bigtime drama to the surrounding scape. i wanna find places like this.
You should get some of the explorers to take a look at these photos, they could tell you how to get in.. It would totally be amazing inside!
Explorers.... :D Who are these people and where can I find them
Really great job with picture No.2!!! I think that hotel looks better in B/W, or some more dramatic colors! ;))
yes this place has potential, I prefer the b&w images but they are a little tight as BB mentioned. I am curious what the morning sun looks like on it and I think a day where there is some cloud in the sky would look good too....another thought for me would be some longer exposures around sunset and just after....or just before dawn.
Clouds would look more mysterious for sure... or a little rain. Ooo rain clouds. Now I just need to order them.

Great ideas, thank you!
A nice sized rock could make some 'adjustments' to those window entrances...

LOL looks like someone already tried that tactic
Where exactly.. IN alberta is this, may i ask? :) black and whites are always winners in my book, i say wait for a scattered cloud day and shoot with a red filter and underexpose it, add some bigtime drama to the surrounding scape. i wanna find places like this.
It's in Fort MacLeod - Southern Alberta. Although if you drive through enough little towns I'm sure you'll find one. I drive to Lethbridge on a weekly basis so I see a bunch of old rundown buildings all over the place. This one is my favorite tho. I love old things.. especially cars, but the ones that aren't re-done... just sittin out in a field! The one in my avatar is on the way to Lethbridge too
It's in Fort MacLeod - Southern Alberta. Although if you drive through enough little towns I'm sure you'll find one. I drive to Lethbridge on a weekly basis so I see a bunch of old rundown buildings all over the place. This one is my favorite tho. I love old things.. especially cars, but the ones that aren't re-done... just sittin out in a field! The one in my avatar is on the way to Lethbridge too

Cool! i was just in Lethbridge/milk river on the weekend. Went to Writing on stone Prov. park, beautiful place. unfortunately i was driving in the dark both ways, thanks for the location tho!
Just remember, there is always a way in. And a lot of times, you wont have to break anything either. Barbed wire is also very easy to get past too. All you need is a good pair of wire cutters or bolt cutters. Then try to see if a window is unlocked, or if a board is loose.

As far as the photos go, i like #5 the best, prob a different perspective for the first one too. everything else seems fine to me, just go back and shoot some more.

And remember, where there's a will, there's a way. :)
Thanks for the feedback!

I can't get into the building... if you see in # 3 everything is boarded up and the barbwire prevents you from going up the stairs. It's pretty eerie!

Who's watching the building?? Go get some wire cutters and get your a$$ in there.

I don't mind breaking the rules I just don't like getting caught. :lmao:

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