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Old Car


TPF Noob!
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Rock Hill, SC
I know a lot of people don't really like "weird effects" on images, but depending on the shot, I sometimes do. The reason I did what I did to this one is because the shot itself was rather plan -- just an old car in a bank parking lot, no interesting angle or anything. So I played around with it and this is what I got. I kinda like it.

While usually I am not such a great fan of very strong PS manipulations, here's a photo for which it works wonderfully!
this is a great picture, being a fan of old cars, id have to say i love it!
well done!
For me it gives enhances the timeless feel, you cant tell what era it was taken in, I love it.

Out of curiousity can we see the original?
I really like that, can we see the original?
kinda looks like the roll I just developed in D-19 on accident...mine didnt turn out this good. Nice work
I love this image. Very nice work. Would you consider burning down (or otherwise de-emphasizing) the brick background? If you could bring full attention to the car, this image would be perfect.

Rock on...........
^^^ I'd have to agree...it would be nice to get more focus on the car. I like the shot.
crawdaddio said:
I love this image. Very nice work. Would you consider burning down (or otherwise de-emphasizing) the brick background? If you could bring full attention to the car, this image would be perfect.

Rock on...........

yeah, the texture given to the car is very amazing, love the contrast and stuff, but that brick wall kills it for me.
Taste can be so different, funny to see:
I really LIKE that brick wall inside this photo ... I do agree it looks a bit blah in its original version, but the edited one WITH the brickwall is really appealing.
That is taste for you.
You just cannot discuss it :D...
I'm with Corinna, I'm liking the edited version with the brick wall. I think that the brick is complimenting to the tones found in the car. :) Just my opinion.

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