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"NYC Icons"

IMO, and I am often pretty alone in this (because I am pretty cranky often), is that trying to force significance into non-significant street photos rarely succeeds. To me his is a picture of the ES bldg with heavy tint and vignetiing.

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IMO, and I am often pretty alone in this (because I am pretty cranky often), is that trying to force significance into non-significant street photos rarely succeeds. To me his is a picture of the ES bldg with heavy thing and vignetiing.


No Worries, Thank You For The Input & You May Have A Point - lol

Have A Great Week!

The shot looks a bit forced...the man in the foreground looks like a schlub...this photo would "read" very differently if the forteground person, or persons, had been different, as in different in a better way.

I agree with T_T above: the heavy tint and hard vignette are not really carrying this image to a higher level. It's not an utter rubbish shot by any means, and it **is** a good shot of the way the Empire State building dominates the sky in its own way, but as a street shot, I dunno...it's not grabbing me, it's not a shot I want to see again and again.

In my opinion, the B&H logos would have been more interesting if the lens used had been longer in focal length, so as to have magnified the background size a bit more. to me, the B&H Photo store is a valid part of the scene, but the photo does not emphasize that store very much.
In my opinion, the B&H logos would have been more interesting if the lens used had been longer in focal length, so as to have magnified the background size a bit more. to me, the B&H Photo store is a valid part of the scene, but the photo does not emphasize that store very much.

Hi Darrel, I largely agree with ya...I had just come from B&H & my time was running out at the "free" parking - it would of been nearly $50.00 had it lapse - so I was rushing! I too was disappointed, I was hoping to show more prominently the B&H store along with the Empire State Building in the background as icons of the city.

If there is any consolation, I feel you understood what I was "attempting" to do...thanks for your input - much appreciated!



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